Chapter 22

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Dick felt helpless as he was tied to a chair and was bloodied because of the crowbar that had been used to beat his face and break some bones. Bruises had already started to form onto his tanned skin, and the blood was drying onto the very same skin. He felt like awful and vulnerable as he was in so much pain, but it was only a matter of time before it all ended. Hopefully.

"You know Robin will be coming to save you, right sweetheart~" Joker sang in that sick, gurgling voice of his. The raven flinched, and his eyes widened at the latest news now worried for the hero, "What?" He asked as his lips trembled as Dixk thought of the amount of torture that Joker would put the younger through, "You can't be serious. Are you going to harm a child? Because of this sick game of your against Batman?" Dick almost yelled only to be hit in the face with a loud smack. "Talk back again like that kitty, and you will be punished!" Joker snarls with a frown before it turns into a large grin.

"Oh, you care for that batbrat, don't you? How disgustingly adorable! I hope that you both would enjoy sharing the same grave." Joker busts into laughter along with Harley, who had just entered the warehouse that they had hid in. "Oh pudding, no wonder I love you~" she spoke in that lovesick voice of hers and battered her eyelashes at the man she loves. It made Dick sick to his stomach and she was so blind to the abuse and harassment that Joker inflicted on her."You both are sick!" He growls out with venom in his tone.

Sadly, that only seemed to anger Harley as Joker began to leave and the clown princess had her time to play.

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