Chapter 16

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I watched men in large groups trying to save themselves from the chaos. They're trying to save their beloved city.

Much like how Batman returned to save Gotham. He's trying to stop Bane from his ultimate purpose.

As I glance to my left I notice a figure nearing the fight. Up until now, she really won't give up. Trailing behind Bane like a sad pup. Pathetic.

She runs to the front where I lost sight of her.

Bane should've taken care of that witch when he had a chance. I'll have to do it myself.

Tears roll down my face as I get closer, hoping to help Bane. But the sight of him only makes me weak and I stop midway. His mask is broken. I cannot imagine the pain he's going through right now.

He attempts to fix his mask but Bruce throws another punch. Bane pushes Bruce towards the  wall and punches him continuously. But Batman manages to move away, making Bane throw blind punches this time.

Bruce took his time, watching Bane throw his punches. But after that, it was his turn to give Bane the hardest one—on the face.

I can tell he's done fighting.

Bruce kicks Bane hard and he flies through the glass door and down on the ground.

I start for the door at the second level, hoping to hide and plan the rescue. As I work my way up the stairs, I see Miranda descend the stairs. Immediately, she points a gun to my face. "I should've shot you when I had the chance."

"We need to help Bane—" I cry out. "Do what you please with me later. Just help me get Bane out of there. You owe Bane your life!"

"I don't owe him anything, he's just really a useful monster, you know that?"

That's it. Before she could pull the trigger, Bane's loud groan stops her. Miranda hesitates before giving me a glare and running down the stairs. She runs towards Bane.

I make my way up as I watch them. I have to come up with a plan. Showing myself out there will surely not make things better. I need the right time.

Bane is lying on the floor. He looks weak. He needs air.

"Where's the trigger?" Batman shouts, not minding Miranda Tate who is now aiming the gun at Bane.

Bruce pulls Bane up, cornering him on the table. "Where's the trigger!" He repeats, after punching Bane in the face, making his mask lose the anesthetic he needs. He's struggling to breathe and all I can do is sob. I cover my mouth, trying not to make a sound. My face is drenched in tears.

Bane doesn't speak. He tries reaching for his mask but Bruce won't let him. Bane won't speak and continues to stare back at Bruce.

But Bruce does not stop. He grabs Bane's vest and makes him sit up. "Tell me where the trigger is," Bruce pauses to catch his breath. "Then, you have my permission to die."

I feel shiver down my body. Not on my watch.

I start to fish for my phone and contact people I trust.

I don't want him to end up the way Miranda said he would. I won't let him just die.

He did this as a favor, for someone he cares about. Well, he cared about. After Miranda spoils her secret, about her using Bane and her backstabbing Bruce, Bane's not going to like it.

I look down and catch Miranda stab Bruce. My eyes widen, realizing she's about to press the trigger for the bomb.

"Wh-why?" Batman stutters.

"Talia," Miranda-or I suppose-Talia whispers, "My mother called me Talia."

She starts to tell Bruce her story. She tells him that Bane was the one who helped her get away, how she escaped and found her father.

I listen closely as I descend the stairs without any noise.

Miranda reaches out to fix Bane's mask and it helps me sigh in relief, knowing he can breathe better.

"...Bane's only crime, was that he loved me." Talia adds.

My hands shake in anger. That traitor.

Bane stands up to grab a rope and a shotgun. I'm distracted by the loud explosions outside.

I glance back at Miranda and see her press the button. I gasp loud and cover myself. But silence fill the room.

Nothing has happened. I slowly open my eyes, realizing that the bomb did not explode.

A few more men enter to escort Miranda out. One of them were about to shoot Bruce but Miranda stops them.

"...Don't kill him," Miranda says, "I want him to feel the heat."

She then glances at Bane and touches his mask. "Goodbye, my friend. Thank you for your cooperation," she adds before walking away with the others.

"You do know I have to kill you now?" Bane asks Bruce before kicking his back and making him hit the ground hard.

Before Bane could shoot Bruce, Bane takes a bullet to the body and falls hopelessly on the floor. Amy glances and sees Selena on the bike.

"About the whole 'no guns' thing," Selena shakes her head in disbelief. "I'm not sure I feel strongly about it as you do." She adds while getting off the bike.

"No!" Amy shouts as she drops down beside Bane who did not seem to move.

Bruce watches her on his feet.

"Wh-what" Bane stutters, trying to speak.

"It's okay. Don't speak." Amy says as she wraps her arms around him.

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