Chapter 7

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I was finished pampering myself when I walked back to my room.

As I left my door open, I heard a creak behind me. Frozen, with my arms crossed next to my chest, I slowly turned and somehow knew that Bane was there.

As soon as I turned, I saw his large figure in front of me, inches away from where I stood.

"Could you be a little less predictable?"

"Expecting me?" He teased.

I sneered, "I could hear your heavy breathing."

He stepped forward, amusement in his eyes. He chuckled through that steel metal mask on his face. I always wondered how heavy it was. I wondered if he ever took it off if he had to eat...or if he ever felt anything on his lips without it.

I need to snap out of it. It's just the dark and the cold making me feel things. Oh, and the loneliness. I sighed. "What do you need?"

"I am not supposed to be here, actually." he began walking away. "But I wanted to come..." He stopped, peering into my soul again. I could see the expression through his eyes. Like all the other times, I caught that soft expression through his eyes. "...and check if you were planning to escape."

"Escape? In my bathrobe?"

He tried to ignore my response.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"You have somewhere to be?" He teased.

I raised my eyebrow. "No. Really, what? Is this it for me? Have I done my job? Are you here to cut me off?"

"I'm here to express my gratitude."

I bit my lip. Oh.

He proceeded to walk closer to me. "You have done well. Fired my best security—"

My eyebrows were furrowed, "Uh, I don't know about that."

He laughed. Oh God he laughed.

"But regardless, did what needed to be done."

I shrugged. "Gotta save my ass, too. You know." That's true. But deep down, I know I wanted to impress him, too. I need his trust. I want his trust.

He nodded. "For that, I thank you."

"You're welcome." You're welcome? Surely there's more to say, Amy? Ugh.

Bane remains quiet and I do too. I know he's said what he wanted to say but I don't want him to go just yet.

I approached him. I know he was trying to figure out what I was going to do. I slowly placed my index finger on his steel mask, tracing my fingers on it.

"How do you breathe through this?" I asked him. I couldn't take it. I wanted to get back at him for pushing my buttons. try and see if I could get that softness show. I'm sure Tate would never even try.

His breath was heavy, slow. I stared into his eyes, waiting for an answer.

"Do you mind telling me what happened?" I asked.

He turned away, making me take my hand away.

I sat on the couch and looked up to him. I just wanted to know him more. Of course, I wanted to know the man I was working with. And how he became like this.

He shook his head in disbelief.

"Nobody's listening. Come on, tell me."

He sighed deeply. "I've known Miranda's father, a long time ago,"

I nodded, "I know. That's why you're doing this. To help her."

Surprisingly, he opened up. As if he was waiting for someone to ask about him for a long time. He told me about the people who hurt him because he was trying to protect Tate.

"I had to try to help her escape from them. I sacrificed myself for a friend."

I paused, absorbing everything I heard. I just thought he was sweet, and nothing else.

"Do you love her?" I asked,

He looked at me with his eyebrow raised, "Of course."

With that, I was speechless.

"Like the way I loved her Father. In honor of him."


"Did you ever thought of taking it off?"

He chuckled quick, and placed his arm on both his knees. "It helps me breathe better. It helps me feel stronger after all the surgeries I had been through." He paused, "I might not even make it if people tried to rid of it permanently."

"If there was a way to take it off permanently, would you take it?"

There was a long pause.


"That's insane," I caught myself. "Sorry, not calling you insane but I just haven't seen anything like it. It's..."

"...monstrous," he cut me off.

"Fascinating," I corrected him.

He shook his head, raising an eyebrow.

"You're a very interesting man, Bane. And I thank you for telling me about it." I said with a calm tone.

He didn't say anything but that softness in his eyes is back.

"Now go, I'm trying to do self-care over here. There's not exactly shower underground," I joked. I turned away from him, not even looking if he seemed amused. But as I pretended to be busy, he must have left. Because when I turned around, he was gone.

"Not even a goodbye?"

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