Chapter 26

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(Song to read with: "Poison and Wine")

Entering the house again, I took a deep breath and stopped at the door. I closed it behind me and watched Bane walk towards the window before turning to me. But I looked away and put my bag down.

"I'll book a cab now. I have to get to the hangar before my jet leaves." I clear my throat and turn away from him, looking down at my phone.

Bane took a few steps closer, "You left your baggage." he sneered, "You might wanna remember that."

I grimaced at him. How could I be so stupid? Gosh. I suck at being a drama queen. But in my defense, my emotions got the best of me and sent me storming out of the house.

"Yeah.. I knew that." I mumbled, "I was just..."

"You didn't have to leave." he interrupted, making me look at him. I could feel his breath on me. His face was just inches away from me.

(Bane's POV)

Amy looked up at me with weary eyes. I knew she had been crying multiple times and I am not proud of it. She lied about everything. She could've told me soon enough, so soon that I would've kept her away from danger.

I had known nothing but sacrifice and revenge. I gave all of it for Miranda's sake. But it all led to betrayal and loss.

But all throughout, Amy stayed. She could've left me there and saved herself. Instead, she helped me live after all the chaos I've conducted. After the notorious reckoning. So it must be true.

I could not stop staring at her. It was the only thing I could do; observe her and hide away. I often observed her eyes, lips...But I immediately moved my eyes back to hers, trying to control myself. I was not sure of what I was supposed to do, but I knew what felt right.

She tried to avoid looking at me. "What's the point?" She finally said and walked away.

I sigh, "You could have told me, Amy." I say and she glances back at me,

"So you can push me away soon enough?" she sneers, "You've been too busy with Tate. I knew that. She was pissed about it, so I kept my distance. But I never left because I was anticipating her next move. I knew she was using you."

And she was right. Yet, I doubted her.

"But that doesn't matter now." she said,

"It does." I managed to say, and we caught each other's eyes. 

It does matter. Because I've felt something as well. Maybe if I knew soon enough, I would've considered. But knowing myself and my hunger for revenge...maybe not. 

But maybe it isn't too late.

Amy walked even farther away from me and crossed her arms. "You have nothing to worry about, Bane."

I shook my head in disbelief and turned to face her. Now she's trying to push me away when I am trying to get closer. Why didn't I do anything back then? Why couldn't I be bothered to see the signs?

She looked at me with weary eyes. Silence hung over us for the last time.

"I have to go." she finally said, starting for her bag.

"I don't want you to leave." I said as an attempt to stop her, to stall her, just before I muster the courage to put my pride down and tell her the truth.

Amy stopped walking and slowly turned to face me, "What?" she looked angry, "Are you serious right now?"

I did not know how to say it.

"What? You're just gonna stand there and not say anything? Like you always do?" she exclaimed,

I thought for a quick moment: do I really want this? Do I really want her? I looked back at her and she sighed.

"You cannot leave," I repeated,

She sneered, "I'm tired, Bane. And I'm sure you'll be fine on your own." Grabbing for her things, she reached for the door. But before she turned the knob, she sneered to speak again, "What, now, you change your mind because you pity me? Or you're guilty. I don't need you to pretend. If you want to say thanks, just say thanks."

"You said I had a heart," I sigh, "Correct?"

She rolled her eyes,

I had to tell her before it was too late. I knew there was a reason why I could not let her leave. Now, I realized what was in front of me.

Maybe this is just what I need. She is what I need.

"You're right. I'm only guilty, which is why I cannot let you leave."

 "What are you on about?"

"I don't think it's foolish to care for you," I say but she quickly jumps right after my sentence,

"Well I told you I-" she got cut off with her own words after realizing what I had uttered, "What?"

I paused, "I care for you, Amy." I repeated.

She stared, unable to speak. Then she smirks, and adds a sneer.

"Prove it." She said. I knew she thought I felt the need to pretend.

I paused for a moment, just enough time for her to shake her head in disappointment, "Yeah, that's what I thought."

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