Chapter 22

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Hospital room 506, 7pm.

   A quick movement of my hand wakes me up, making me snap back into reality. I open my eyes wide as I see Bane moving his hands and taking deep breaths. I stand up and see him staring straight at the ceiling trying to take the blur off his vision.

   Richard suddenly stands up from his seat, as I notice that he went inside the room while I was asleep. He runs and grabs an injection and closer to the bed until Bane starts to violently grunt and tried to stand up. I could see rage in his eyes.

   I slouch down and lean closer to face him, the palm of my hands cupped his warm cheeks. My eyes started to water as I look at him in the eye, trying to calm him down.

"Bane, Bane..." I try to catch his attention, making him stop from trying to destroy anything he sees in anger, "It's okay. No one's here to harm you, calm down." I say, and it seems like he could not find his words. I can only hear his deep breaths.

   My eyes start to drench and I try to hush him down, still putting my face closer and whispering to him to make him understand. "It's going to be okay," I say and he stops, looking back at me with confused eyes. "It's me, Amy, and you're in the hospital. Away from Gotham." I add, still staring back at him.

Bane pauses and breaks eye contact, looking at the man standing behind me. Richard glares and tries not to panic. As he was about to take another step, I stopped him.  

"Richard," I start, "Don't even think about it." I say glancing and facing him. 

He shakes his head in disagreement, "He needs this." 

"He's okay." I assured him, then I glance back at Bane with passionate eyes. "You're okay, right?" I try to smile.

   Starting from that moment, he stared back at me. Unable to ask what happened, and where he was. But I turn to face Richard again, "He's ready," I say and Richard nods once, like he was forced to do it.

   Bane sat up still, slowly touching the cloth covering his face. But Richard steps closer to him, putting the needle down on the table. I look at Bane, "He's going to take it off." I say, "It's alright." 

He looks back and closes his eyes as Richard slowly unwraps the cloth, first revealing his forehead with a small cut, and gently, Richard takes the cloth off the lower part and reveals Bane's nose... And finally, his mouth.

My eyes were stuck, staring straight at Bane who had no mask on. His perfect jawline, nose figure, chin and... His perfect lips.

I was about to cry in joy, but I didn't have time for it. I hiss, as a grin forms on my lips. Finally, a tear sheds from my eye.

(Bane POV)

   I slowly open my eyes and the first thing I saw was the beautiful woman I have ever seen in my whole life. The woman I never expected of meeting and working with in one of my fiendish plans. The woman who seemed to be crazy enough to help me live, even if I did not deserve it. I stare at her and watch a tear flow from her eye.

   The man standing beside me, who must be the incomprehensible doctor, pulled a tube off near my throat causing me to choke, but I grabbed air quickly breathing in through my nose. Amy runs towards me, her arms wrapped behind me, and her hand copping my cheek. She looks down on me with worry, and I look up at her as I try to catch my breath. I was panting.

   Her frown vanishes and turns into a smile, but she starts to shed more tears. She covers her mouth, still looking at me.

   Then I realize something. My eyes widen a bit as I gasp, looking away and into the glass window behind her. I see my reflection. I see my self. I see my face.

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