The Feelings

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The previous day...

Somada found herself lost in a world of her own as she watched Devansh during his archery practice. The way he focused with unwavering determination, his every movement precise and calculated, stirred a whirlwind of emotions within her. She admired his skill, his strength, and the way he carried himself with a quiet confidence.

Lost in her thoughts, Somada failed to notice her brother, Angad, quietly approaching. Startled by his presence, she quickly averted her gaze, hoping to conceal her admiration. Angad, however, couldn't help but notice the blush that graced her cheeks, a telltale sign of her unspoken feelings. "Caught you, Somada," he teased, leaning against a nearby pillar.

Startled, Somada blushed, quickly averting her eyes. "I-I was just... appreciating his archery skills," she stammered, attempting to brush off her brother's playful accusation.

Angad chuckled knowingly. "Appreciating, huh? Is that what they call it these days?" He shot her a knowing look. "You've been stealing glances at him for quite some time now, Somada. There's more to it than mere admiration."

Somada's cheeks grew warmer, and she fidgeted with the hem of her sari. "It's not like that, Angad. Devansh is a dear friend, nothing more."

Angad raised an eyebrow, his eyes filled with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. "A dear friend, hmm? Are you sure there's not something more? I've seen the way you light up whenever he's around, the way your laughter comes so effortlessly in his presence. Your eyes betray your heart's secrets."

Somada sighed, her eyes darting back to where Devansh stood, his focused gaze fixed on the target. "Maybe... maybe there's something more," she admitted softly, her voice barely a whisper.

Angad's grin widened. "Ah, finally, the truth comes out! So, what is it, Somada? Are you falling for him?"

Somada hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest. She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "Yes, I... I think I am," she confessed, her voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and hope.

Her brother's playful expression softened, replaced by a warm understanding. He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Love is a beautiful thing, Somada. And if your heart tells you that Devansh is the one who stirs those feelings within you, then you owe it to yourself to explore that possibility."

Somada nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm just afraid, Angad. Afraid of what might happen if I admit my feelings, afraid of jeopardizing our friendship."

Angad squeezed her shoulder gently. "Love is a risk worth taking, sister. True friendship can withstand the test of love, and if Devansh is the kind-hearted and genuine person I believe him to be, he will treasure your honesty and the bond you share."

Somada wiped away her tears, a newfound resolve shining in her eyes. "Thank you, brother. Your words give me courage. I'll find a way to let Devansh know how I feel,  and see where it leads us."

Her brother smiled, his voice filled with pride. "I have no doubt that whatever path you choose, it will be one filled with love, happiness, and endless possibilities. Follow your heart, Somada, and may your love story unfold with all the beauty and grace it deserves."

With renewed determination, Somada turned her gaze back to Devansh, her heart brimming with anticipation. She would find the right moment, the perfect words, to express her love and hopes for the future. It was a journey she was willing to embark upon, guided by the unwavering support of her brother and fueled by the depth of her feelings for Devansh.

* * * * *

Devansh's heart raced with anticipation as he made his way to meet Somada. He was happy to have had that discussion a while ago in the temple with Chandra about his feelings for Somada.

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