The Feast

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As the morning sun bathed the camp in a golden hue, Ram's heart swelled with relief as he witnessed Somada stirring awake. Her eyes, once dimmed by exhaustion and pain, now radiated with renewed vitality. He couldn't help but smile as she walked towards him, her steps infused with a newfound strength.

Somada's eyes sparkled as she embraced her father Lakshman, a mix of gratitude and affection evident in her every gesture. Her strong embrace spoke volumes, conveying the depth of their bond and the unspoken love between them. Lakshman held her tightly, his eyes moist with tears of joy. "You had us worried sick, my brave daughter," he whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of relief and admiration. "I'm so proud of you and your incredible strength."

As Ram saw Somada approach him, a wave of relief washed over him, erasing the shadows of worry that had clouded his mind. He opened his arms wide, welcoming his daughter's embrace.

"Somada, my brave daughter," Ram said, his voice filled with pride and joy. "I am so happy to see you awake and well. The gods have blessed us with your safety."

She smiled.

"Somada, you are our greatest treasure. Your strength and valor have made us immensely proud. We will always be here for you, my child."

A small makeshift table was set with colorful fruits and sweet delicacies. Angad and Chandra joined the gathering, their youthful energy infusing the atmosphere with mirth and lightness.

As they sat together, the conversation flowed effortlessly, weaving a tapestry of shared laughter and camaraderie. Angad, with his playful nature, cracked jokes that elicited hearty laughter from Somada and Chandra. They reminisced about their childhood escapades, their adventures in the kingdom.

Angad playfully nudged Chandra and exclaimed, "Remember that time we convinced Somada to sneak into the royal kitchen and steal some sweets? Oh, the look on her face when we got caught!" Chandra, his eyes dancing with mischief, added, "And then we had to face Father's stern lecture on the importance of honesty!"

Somada joined in their laughter, her eyes sparkling with fond memories. "You two were always finding trouble, and I was the one who had to keep you out of it!" she teased, playfully nudging Angad's shoulder.

Chandra joined in, his voice filled with excitement. "And what about our races through the palace corridors with all our cousins? We would challenge each other to see who could reach the end first, dodging servants and laughing all the way!"

Angad nodded, a fond smile on his lips. "I remember those races, and how we would cheer each other on. It didn't matter who won; it was the thrill of the chase and the bond we shared that made it special."

Somada, her voice tinged with mirth, began, "Do you remember the time we built that secret hideout in the palace gardens? We spent hours gathering branches and leaves, pretending to be adventurers on a grand quest."

Chandra chimed in, his voice laced with nostalgia, "And what about our impromptu puppet shows? With our cousins we would gather all the maids and guards to watch our grand performances. They were the best audience!"

Angad chimed in, his voice tinged with playfulness. "And what about the time I accidentally broke that vase in the royal chamber? I thought I was in for a scolding, but you, Somada, managed to distract Father with one of your stories, saving me from his wrath!"

Somada laughed, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Ah, yes!"

Lakshman turned to Angad. "So, that was you? I must say, your sister came at the right time and distracted me."

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