The Lunch

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Six months later...

Gathered around the lavish table, the family's laughter and chatter filled the air, intertwining like a melody that resonated with shared memories. Ram's voice, rich with wisdom, led the conversations, while Urmila's gentle words added a touch of tenderness to the discussions.

Lakshman's vibrant anecdotes drew smiles and chuckles from all corners, his animated expressions captivating even as he recounted tales of his adventures in the forests.

Amidst the stories, Angad's voice, warm and filled with genuine enthusiasm, could be heard narrating the events leading up to his own wedding with Rupa. As he spoke, Rupa's eyes sparkled, her joy evident as she joined in with her own take on their journey. Six months have swiftly passed since the joyous union of Angad and Rupa. Rupa made a delightful announcement last month – the couple was eagerly anticipating their journey into parenthood. The news rippled through the family, igniting a shared sense of excitement and anticipation. The palace walls seemed to resonate with the joyous buzz of the impending arrival, a testament to the enduring bond that continued to flourish within the family's embrace.

Kusha enjoyed the spicy curry made by his Aunt Urmila. His marriage to the Gandhara princess Champika was celebrated with heartfelt congratulations and well-wishes. Champika sat beside him and Rupa, as she heard the stories Angad and Lakshman shared.

Chandra and Vibha's journey of love culminated in a simple yet beautiful garden wedding few weeks ago. The ceremony was a reflection of their deep connection and shared dreams. Now, as a newlywed couple, they found themselves in the serene embrace of Mithila, visiting their beloved grandparents.

Lava's impending marriage to Princess Sumathi of Trigarta was a topic that sparked a plethora of excited discussions. His smile reflected the happiness that radiated from his heart as he looked forward to a new chapter in his life.

Hanuman's tales, interwoven with his distinctive humility and reverence for Ram, held the family rapt. His stories of loyalty, courage, and friendship were a testament to the bonds forged over the years, uniting them in a shared sense of purpose and history.

Conversations flowed freely as the feast progressed, the bonds between the family members only growing stronger. Each sibling, each companion, each connection was a testament to the legacy of love and unity that had been nurtured by generations.

The setting sun cast a warm glow over the courtyard, illuminating the smiles and laughter that filled the space. The clinking of glasses and the exchange of heartfelt toasts punctuated the air, as the family raised their glasses in a collective tribute to the journey they had undertaken together.

* * * * *

Upon the sun-drenched terrace of Hamsagramma, a symphony of voices intertwined with the gentle rustling of leaves as Somada engaged in an animated conversation with the chief constructor. Blueprints sprawled across a nearby table, illuminated by the golden rays of the sun, laid out their vision for a school that would soon grace the village.

"You see, these windows will allow ample daylight to flood the classrooms," the chief constructor explained with enthusiasm, tracing his finger along the blueprint.

Somada's eyes sparkled with genuine excitement. "It's a design that truly embodies the essence of holistic learning," she replied, her voice brimming with conviction.

With the conversation winding down, Somada's gaze shifted from the intricate plans to the picturesque vista below. The village, like a tapestry of life, unfolded before her eyes – children engrossed in play, farmers nurturing their fields, and artisans meticulously crafting their wares.

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