The Sari

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As the sun's gentle rays kissed the surface of the tranquil lake, Somada and Devansh found themselves nestled under the shade of a towering banyan tree. The serenity of the surroundings provided the perfect backdrop for their conversation, as they sat side by side, their fingers gently entwined.

Somada's eyes sparkled with excitement as she shared her dreams for their future, her voice carrying a hint of playful anticipation. "Devansh, imagine a simple wedding ceremony, surrounded by our loved ones. We'll exchange vows and walk around the holy fire, under the clear blue sky, with the soft sounds of nature as our witnesses."

Devansh nodded, a warm smile playing on his lips. "Yes, my love. And after the wedding, we'll start our new life together in a small and cozy house nestled near the waterfall. Imagine waking up to the sound of cascading water, a symphony of nature's melody greeting us every morning."

Somada's imagination took flight as she continued, "Our house will be adorned with vibrant flowers, their sweet fragrance all over the air. Inside, we'll have a library filled with books, and, of course, a beautiful garden where we can grow our own vegetables and fruits."

Devansh chuckled, his eyes gleaming with affection. "Ah, yes! Our little farm-to-table innovation. We'll harvest the freshest produce, cook delicious meals together, and savor it! And when our beautiful and intelligent children come along, we'll teach them the wonders of nature and the joy of learning to cultivate."

Somada playfully nudged Devansh's shoulder. "You know, Devansh, I've been thinking. Our children will definitely inherit my wit and intelligence."

Devansh raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh, is that so? I think they'll be lucky to inherit my devastatingly good looks and irresistible charm."

Somada laughed, her musical voice echoing through the peaceful setting. "Oh please, Devansh. Don't flatter yourself too much. We all know they'll get their good looks and every thing from me."

Devansh raised an eyebrow mischievously. "And what if our children inherit your mischievous streak, my dear Somada? Imagine the pranks they'll play on us!"

Somada mock-gasped, placing a hand on her chest. "Oh no, Devansh! We'll have to be on high alert, always one step ahead of their mischief. But I'm sure they'll have your charm to balance it out."

Devansh chuckled, leaning closer. "True, they'll have the power to charm their way out of trouble, just like their father." He winked, his eyes twinkling with affection.

Somada playfully poked his side. "Ah, but they'll also have my wit and intelligence to outsmart you, my dear. Our home will be filled with friendly battles of wits."

Devansh feigned offense, his hand placed dramatically over his heart. "Is that a challenge, my love? Prepare yourself for a lifetime of puns and clever comebacks. I won't go easy on you."

Their dreams danced before their eyes, painted with vivid colors of togetherness and shared experiences. They spoke of the adventures they would embark upon, the memories they would create, and the unyielding support they would offer each other along the way.

Just as the sun rose higher in the sky, casting a warm glow on their faces, a soft voice called out from a distance. "Somada, it's time for the morning prayers."

Somada and Devansh turned towards the source of the voice, their fingers intertwining for a brief moment before they reluctantly let go. Somada smiled at Devansh, a mixture of love and determination shining in her eyes.

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