2. Officially over

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Cases involving the children of serial killers were never easy. Something about knowing that a kid would possibly inherit their parent/s homicidal tendencies made your skin crawl.

Nevertheless, you and team flew back to Quantico, everyone doing their own thing. Derek listened to music. Emily and JJ discussed some topic that you knew you wouldn't be interested in. Reid read a book that you knew he'd read at least 6 times in the past 6 months. Rossi was resting in the back of the jet. Hotch, he was unintentionally fidgeting with his wedding ring. You noticed this and watched for a moment before going back to your book.


"Hotch. You up for a beer?" Rossi asked as everyone gathered their bags, intending to head out to the nearby bar.

"Sure." Hotch exhaled, nodding. You could see the relief on Hotch's face with the sound of being able to safely drink away his thoughts.

Just then, another Agent walked through the glass doors and entered the BAU bullpen, a clip-board and a yellow envelope in his hands.

"Agent Hotchner?" He called out to Hotch, who faced the man.

"Yes?" Hotch asked as he envelope was handed to him while he signed the necessary form. Right then and there, you noticed the realisation hit him. Everyone else just watched in confusion, thinking that maybe he received a letter or some mail. But Hotch knew what was inside. You also knew what was inside. You had suspected that Hotch and Haley's marriage was over and the envelope in Hotch's hands would most likely confirm your suspicion.

"What is it?" Emily asked as the clip-board was handed back to the Agent before he walked away, leaving Hotch to stare at the yellow envelope in his hands.

"Haley's filing for divorce. I've been served." Hotch exhaled, walking past the team and up to his office. You could see the shocked looks on everyone's faces.

"Let's leave him be. He needs time to think." Rossi insisted, guiding everyone out of the bullpen and toward the elevator.


At 11 PM, you exited the elevator, heading back to the bullpen. You had forgotten something from your desk and needed to collect it before you got home and couldn't be bothered. As you walked toward your desk, you glanced around and noticed that Hotch was still in his office - since his desk lamp was on. You grabbed your forgotten item and carefully walked up the steps toward Hotch's office, watching from outside as he sifted through the 5 pages in front of him. You could imagine his eyes scanning the document in front of him, wondering how his marriage could simply end like this.

You watched as he grabbed the pen from his desk and scribbled his signature on the last page, finalising the end of his marriage. His marriage was officially over now that he had signed a piece of paper.

That's when he lifted up his left hand and glared at the gold band sitting snug on his ring-finger. It no longer belonged there, since he was now no longer married. You watched with sadness as he slowly lifted the ring off his finger and placed it somewhere in his desk - possibly somewhere he wouldn't have to see it again.

You knocked on his office door, hearing him grant you access to his office. He quickly put the pieces of paper back into the yellow envelope.

"How are you holding up?" You questioned, concerned.

"Haley was my first love. My first girlfriend. My first wife. Now that we're no longer married, I'm...lost." He admitted, exhaling.

"I'm sorry Hotch. I can't even begin to imagine what you're feeling right now." You sat on the couch opposite his desk and exhaled.

"When Haley and I first got married, I knew that there would be a point when neither of us could stand to be around each other. But then, we'd work things out and return to loving each other again." Hotch shook his head.

In some ways, you felt honoured. Hotch was a very private person. He kept his failing marriage a secret from the team. He rarely showed his emotions and when he did, he showed his emotions for short periods of time. So, to be listening to him opening up about his struggle, you felt important, like you could help him in anyway he liked.

"If it's any consolation, you may have lost Haley, but you haven't lost Jack. You're still a father - even if you're not a husband anymore." You reminded Hotch, who nodded, agreeing.

"The last thing I wanted was for Jack's life to be heavily altered because of my job." Hotch scoffed.

"Just...keep being the awesome father we both know you can be." You stood up and went to leave, but Hotch stopped you.

"Thank you." He spoke.

"For what?" You asked, confused.

"For listening." Hotch smiled - which was rare nowadays.

"Anytime. I mean that." You reassured him.

"Goodnight Hotch." You exhaled, leaving Hotch's office.

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