15. Missing Agent

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You were mildly concerned when - by 11:30 PM - Aaron hadn't come over. The drive from the office to his apartment was 10 minutes. The drive from his apartment to yours was 15 minutes. Overall, he should have been at your apartment by at least 10:27 PM, and yet, he was nowhere to be seen. You assumed that maybe he had gotten to his apartment and accidentally fallen asleep, considering how tired he was after the most recent case was over.

You: Hey, Aaron. I'm assuming that you've fallen asleep at your place. I don't mind. I'll see you tomorrow. Love you, 😘

Sending the text, you put your phone on charge and set your alarm for 7:15 AM. You stupidly set alarms, thinking that they'll actually be used, but 95 percent of the time, you're woken up by either JJ, Penelope or Aaron calling you for a case.


As you expected, you were called by JJ, who sounded worried. You turned off your (unnecessary) alarm and got dressed. This case was local, so you showed up to the crime scene with your phone, your gun, and your badge.

"We're not working a case. Why call us to a crime scene?" Derek asked as he walked beside you, Rossi and Emily, all of whom looked like zombies.

"I was hoping you knew." You replied, exhaling.

"JJ said the police told her it was urgent." Emily noted.

"4 hours of sleep after what we went through in Canada, it better be." Derek groaned as you made your way up to the apartment belonging to the victim.

"Oh, you guys are already here." Rossi observed as he saw JJ and Spencer inside already.

"You guys remember Detective Walker?" JJ asked, typing away at her phone.

"Thanks for being here. I understand none of you are working on much rest." He shook each of your hands.

"Who's the victim?" Derek asked.

"His name is Nelson Martinez. From what we can figure, he answered his door, was forced into the apartment at gun point and then shot in the chest." Detective Walker explained.

"It was all pretty sloppy." Detective Walker added.

"No disrespect, but I don't understand why you need us here." Derek questioned.

"2 days ago, a local doctor named Tom Barton found a note addressed to him at the hospital. It said the person was planning to kill his son. If Dr. Barton tried to keep his boy hidden, one person would die every day in his place." Detective Walker shook his head.

"And you think this is connected?" Emily looked at Detective Walker, who smiled.

"The note is signed L.C." Spencer showed the note to Derek, who exhaled.

"Yesterday we had another victim. Multiple gun shots outside the apartment. The shooter wrote L.C. in white chalk next to the body." Detective Walker looked at Derek, who nodded, understanding the situation.

"Now, unless Dr. Barton puts his son in harm's way, we're gonna keep having a victim a day." You exhaled, standing near Spencer.

"Where's Barton now?" Emily asked.

"He's at home. He doesn't know about this victim yet." Detective Walker informed you all.

"Where's Hotch? He's not answering his cell." Emily looked around, confused. None of the team knew about you and Aaron, so you couldn't tell them that he had planned to stay at your place, but fell asleep at his place.

"I assume it's on vibrate. I mean, that case in Canada took a toll on all of us, and Hotch especially with the extra stress of Foyet." You spoke.

"He'll get the message when he wakes up." Emily shrugged her shoulders as you took your phone out.

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