8. Another case solved

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⚠️Trigger Warning: Mention of sexual assault.⚠️

With more of the investigation revealed, you now had more questions that you'd hopefully be able to answer. Unfortunately, with the horrible security camera footage, Penelope was unable to get any ID on the teacher forcing the children into the rooms, no matter how much she tried.

The entire team stood in front of all available cops in the precinct.

"The man we're looking for is a teacher in his late 20s, to mid 30s." You started.

"He's a somewhat physically fit, and can easily over-power the victims - in this case, children." Rossi exhaled.

"On the outside, - when he's around others - he's nice, he's kind and he's the kind of teacher that every child admires. But, on the inside, - when he's behind closed doors - he's mean, unkind and unfair, often being brutally honest to his students." Hotch explained.

"This unsub's primary target is children. Whether these specific children are his intended targets or just victims of opportunity, we are still unsure. Whatever the case, he's most likely doing to them what might've been done to him. The 7-year-old girl that was found, - Chelsea Bridgeton - she was killed by blunt-force trauma to the head, which wouldn't be difficult, considering how sensitive children are at that age. We also discovered that Chelsea was sexually assaulted." Derek continued.

"The fact that this unsub sexually assaulted Chelsea before she died suggests that he himself experienced the same situation." Spencer look around.

"This man might not be a preferential offender, only acting the way he does because he wants others - most likely children - to feel how he felt." JJ exhaled.

"As of right now, we have not yet managed to ID the unsub who happened to show up on the security cameras within the school, due to the cameras having not been upgraded to the most recent model." Emily spoke.

"There is a small chance that this unsub might surrender if he is caught. But, the most likely scenario to play out involves murder-suicide or suicide by cop. Thank you." Hotch nodded, dismissing the cops.


An hour later, you and Spencer sat in the living room belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Williams. When they saw you two standing at their front door, they hastily let you in, seeing the looks of curiousness in your eyes. They clearly sensed that you both knew something.

"What is it? Is Connor alive?" Mrs. Williams asked, her eyes furrowed, her voice full of hope.

"We're unsure, ma'am, but...we did have one question for you both." Spencer shook his head, exhaling.

"Anything, if it means finding our son." Mr. Williams nodded.

"Were there, uh, any teachers - substitutes or permanent - that your son has issues with?" You asked, curious.

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Williams asked.

"Did Connor ever mention or talk about any teacher or teachers that he didn't like?" Spencer started to elaborate.

"Maybe he was yelled at by a teacher? Maybe there was a certain teacher who was mean to him, or harsh for no reason?" You elaborated more, watching as both Mr. and Mrs. Williams looked at each other, clearly both unsure if they were thinking the same thing.

"T- There was...one teacher. He was Connor's Science teacher. The teacher kept sending home notes explaining how rude and interruptive Connor was during class. He said that Connor would talk to his friends while he was teaching, and he'd make rude faces or say mean things." Mrs. Williams exhaled.

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