36. Inopportune situation

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4 weeks. That was all the time left until Y/N and Aaron got married. They were both excited, ready to start their future together. Jack was certainly excited, stating that it was going to be so fun waking up to amazing pancakes whenever she and Aaron weren't on cases.

Penelope had the whole day planned out, and everything was sorted, leaving 4 weeks to just relax and enjoy themselves. Everything had been chosen and sorted out. Y/N's wedding dress was fitted and ready to go. Aaron's tux had been freshly cleaned. Rossi had spent the last week moving things around with Penelope so that the patio had enough room for dining, while the grassy area was set up for the ceremony (Rossi's mansion would be good for any special occasion). Rossi got himself ordained and was practicing the stuff he'd have to say during the ceremony. Y/N and Aaron organised all the paperwork, making sure to actually sign everything and get it back to the courthouse so they knew that once they said 'I do', they would actually be married.

One thing Y/N had also done was file the paperwork to adopt Jack. She had asked Jess and Jack for permission to adopt him, and they both loved the idea. Y/N wasn't concerned about Aaron not knowing just yet, considering he already saw her as a mother figure in Jack's life, and adopting him would only strengthen that bond. She hoped that she'd be able to tell him that she filed to adopt Jack as a wedding gift.

Of course, Aaron and Y/N asked that Jess have Jack stay over for a while so they could enjoy alone time as a couple. In between cases, Aaron and Y/N would do everything a couple would do during their engagement. They went out to restaurants and enjoyed nights at home. Nights at home started out calm enough, but by the end of the night, Aaron and Y/N would be naked, lying in bed while trying to lower their heart-rates.


The weeks went on, and the couple got more excited the closer they got to the wedding day. Unfortunately for them, 4 days before the special day, the BAU was given a case. On one hand, the case was in Richmond, Virginia, around an hour and 18 minute drive from Quantico, but on the other hand, it was still a case.

The case itself was just like any other. The team were looking for an unsub who was shooting their victims execution style, before stabbing them 7 times in the stomach. The victims were all female brunettes between the ages of 20 and 25. So far, they had 3 victims, two best friends who were in their 2nd year of college, and a woman who worked at a restaurant.

2 days later and the team were closer to finding the unsub, and they had 2 days left to do so if they wanted Y/N and Aaron to get married on the date they had planned to.

They eventually found the identity of the unsub, 27-year-old Thomas Green. Penelope sent his home address and the most recent location of Thomas. All suited up, Hotch, Rossi and Y/N headed to Thomas' most recent location, while Spencer, JJ, Derek and Emily, went to his home. Aaron, Rossi and Y/N found Thomas at a storage unit, previously owned by his - now deceased - girlfriend's parents, and demanded that he let his newest victim go. He refused and managed to get a few shots before being shot dead by Rossi.

Y/N exhaled, finally taking a moment to relax.

"Let's-" Before Aaron could continue, he glanced at Y/N, who was swaying slightly, clearly out of it. He looked down, seeing a small hole in the side of Y/N's stomach, right below where her ribs were. His eyes widened. The bullet must've gone through the thinner part of the bullet-proof vest she was wearing.

"Rossi!" He looked at Rossi, who watched as Y/N dropped to the floor, Aaron managing to catch her before she hit the ground.

"Y/N! Stay with me honey! C'mon! Keep your eyes open!" Aaron panicked as Rossi called to get paramedics.

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