19. A lead on Foyet

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The man behind the murders in L.A. was none other than Paul Davis' - AKA Dante - manager, Ray Campion. He manipulated a woman named Gina into killing other fans of Dante in order to gain publicity for Dante's album.

"Are you okay?" Spencer looked at JJ, who had been attacked while going to interview Gina.

"Yeah. The doctor said it'll be sore for a while, but I'm fine, really." JJ smiled, holding an ice-pack to her head.

"I feel so bad I didn't go with you to interview Gina." Spencer exhaled.

"Spence, stop. We had no way of knowing she was gonna be dangerous. She was just the friend of a victim, granted...a schizophrenic friend with a sociopathic partner." JJ shrugged her shoulders.

"And a shovel." Emily noted.

"Seriously, Reid, we had no way of knowing that Gina had that type of anger inside of her." Derek reassured the genius.

"Yeah, but she was obsessed with Dante. I should have known that that level of fixation can lead to manipulation." Spencer shook his head.

"But only when the fixation's coupled with schizophrenia, which we had no way of knowing." Hotch exhaled.

"Still it never ceases to amaze me how dark obsession can get." Y/N noted.

"But with a pop star? I mean, I was obsessed with the Rat Pack, but I wouldn't have killed for Frank or Dean." Rossi shook his head.

"No, you just drank whiskey and smoked cigars." Hotch eyed Rossi.

"Oh, and this from the man whose favourite record is The Beatles' white album." Rossi bit back.

"Just because Manson hijacked it, doesn't have to ruin it for the rest of us." Hotch chuckled.

"That's why I stick to Beethoven. There's no chance of guilt by association." Spencer smiled.

"Well- Yeah? Have you ever seen a movie called 'A Clockwork Orange'?" Y/N asked, curious.

"Mm-mmm." Spencer shook his head.


You and the team were back in Virginia for 24 hours before another case came up. One 2 hour and 18 minute drive later, you, Aaron, Emily, Derek, Spencer, JJ and Rossi were in Hampton, Virginia at 10 AM. Everyone was at the crime scene at the same time, except for Spencer and Derek, who needed a toilet break 5 minutes before arriving at the house where the murder happened.

"Was the whole family killed?" Spencer asked as he and Derek walked up to the crime scene, a crutch underneath Spencer's arm.

"Hudson, this is Dr. Spencer Reid and Agent Derek Morgan." Rossi explained.

"Field Agent Anne Hudson. The, uh, father is serving in Iraq." Agent Hudson shook Derek's hand and nodded toward Spencer who nodded back.

"3 nights ago the cops found the Downey family buried over there." Agent Hudson explained, gesturing to the grave site surrounded by yellow tape.

"Buried?" Spencer asked, confused.

"The neighbours heard the dog barking, came over, and he was scratching at the grave. Lucy, their oldest child, she's still in her swimsuit." Agent Hudson showed the photos of the family buried.

"What does the father know?" Derek questioned.

"Some of it. He was on patrol. Took his unit a couple of days to reach him. He arrives today." Agent Hudson explained.

"Last year the Williams family was killed and found exactly the same way. They lived in Newport News. The father, Dan Williams, was also serving overseas." Rossi continued.

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