42. Hospital visits

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Emily had been dead for 2 months. Y/N had reached her "last" month of pregnancy. When she reached the 8 month-mark, Aaron insisted that he stay with his wife. He didn't do that with Haley - and he regrets that to this day. All he wants is to be there when his second child is born. Strauss approved his absence. He'd work cases from home, whereas Y/N was on maternity leave, which meant no work (although, she'd walk past Aaron and sneak a glimpse of whatever case the team was working on before giving her opinion on the unsub or the profile).

Y/N was technically supposed to be on bed-rest, but occasionally, she'd get out of bed and walk around the bedroom, trying to avoid getting pain in her legs. She'd stretch as much as possible. Her stomach was huge, but that didn't stop her from getting on her yoga ball (Aaron's idea), and trying to prepare herself for when she went into labor.

She was rolling her hips, taking deep breaths in and out. That's when she heard it. A loud crash and a sudden thump. Confused, she got up and carefully walked down the stairs.

"Is everything okay down here?" Y/N asked as Jack ran up to her.

"Dad was making breakfast for us...he started swaying and then he- he just dropped!" Jack panicked. Y/N's face dropped as she saw Aaron on the floor.

"Aaron!" Y/N tried to calm herself down.

"You call uncle Rossi, I'll call 9-1-1." Y/N grabbed her phone while Jack grabbed Aaron's phone.


"Okay. Guys, meet Samantha Wilcox, 16-year-old junior in Wichita, Kansas. Last night she snuck out with her boyfriend, they were attacked, she hasn't been seen since." Penelope introduced the case.

"Boyfriend got a broken jaw and a concussion." Derek exhaled.

"And the description of the attacker matches her father, Eddie Lee Wilcox. Ex-con." JJ nodded.

"Oh, is he ever. Still on parole. Eddie is a car thief and wheel man extraordinaire. String of assault charges, too. Been in and out of jail since he was a kid." Penelope added.

"He hasn't been incarcerated in over 3 years. I mean he's had ample opportunity. Why pick yesterday to kidnap her?" Spencer asked, confused.

"Well, he beat the boyfriend within an inch of his life to do it, so taking her had to be real important. And apparently Eddie was none too pleased that Samantha's mom melody had decided to remarry and then move from Chicago to Wichita. He lost visitation rights the last time he got locked up." Rossi exhaled.

"So the anger about that is the stressor that builds up over the years. Last night he decides to do something about it. This could be vengeance for taking his daughter away. If it's revenge against the mother, he'll either hurt Samantha or disappear with her." JJ warned.

"She's been missing for over 5 hours, and we know how time sensitive these cases are." Derek nodded.

Rossi saw that Aaron was calling him, so he stood up and stepped out of the room.

"Aaron, is everything okay?" Rossi asked.

"Hey, uncle Rossi. It's Jack. Dad's being rushed into surgery as we speak." Jack explained.

"What happened? Is he okay? Is Y/N okay?" Rossi asked.

"Dad collapsed when he was making breakfast this morning. Mom and I rode in the hospital with him. She's trying to stay calm, but she's clearly worried." Jack exhaled.

Jack had started calling Y/N 'mom' after she and Aaron got married and Y/N officially adopted him. Both he and Y/N knew that she'd never replace Haley as his mom, but he was growing up, and he knew that other kids didn't call their moms 'momma'.

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