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Y/N watched with confusion as Hotch walked out of their bedroom, dressed in a suit.

"You know, you don't need to wear a suit to the Air and Space Museum. You can be more casual." Y/N chuckled as she packed Jack's lunch.

"I'm not going." Hotch exhaled.

"But you volunteered to chaperone. I thought you'd get the day off?" Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, confused.

"Same, but a case came in." Hotch shrugged his shoulders.

"Who's going with Jack, then?" Y/N asked.

"Jessica is. She'll chaperone his class." Hotch spoke as the front door opened, revealing Jessica.

"Jess, I really appreciate you doing this last-minute. I thought when I committed to chaperoning the field trip, I would be able to take the day off." Hotch smiled as she walked into the living-room, Jack putting on his shoes.

"Don't worry. I'm looking forward to it, actually. The Air and Space Museum is always fun." Jess smiled.

"With 24 fifth-graders?" Hotch chuckled, watching as Jess nodded. Aaron left to grab his bag.

"You okay?" Y/N could see the slight pain behind Jess' smile.

"Yeah. I'm good. A little tired, maybe." She nodded, exhaling.

"Okay. Aaron left you some cash in the kitchen, in case you guys want to get some pizza tonight." Y/N explained as she and Hotch got ready to leave.

"Okay. Just call me if anything comes up." Hotch waved goodbye to Jess after giving Jack a hug and kiss goodbye. Y/N did the same thing before they both got into Hotch's car.


"Where are we on the multiple homicides?" Hotch asked as he and Y/N entered the conference room, everyone already sitting down at the table.

"It's in Bethesda at the home of Frank and Donna Kingman. She's the former Donna Stancroft, heiress to the Stancroft Electronics money. We're setting up a live feed transmission from the crime scene." Penelope explained as Y/N sat down, but Hotch stood just behind her.

"Sergeant Carlson, can you hear me?" Penelope looked down at her computer screen as everyone else looked up at the screen behind her.

"Sure can. How about on your end?" Sergeant Carlson nodded.

"Loud and clear. Why don't you walk us through it, Sergeant." Rossi spoke up, the screen behind Penelope now showing the crime scene.

"Okay, here we go." Sergeant Carlson exhaled, beginning to walk around.

"When were the victims found?" Derek asked, curious.

"About an hour ago. Neighbour noticed the front door was left open, called the police." Sergeant Carlson explained.

"Nothing's been disturbed?" Emily asked.

"No, ma'am. You're seeing what the responding officers saw." Sergeant Carlson confirmed.

"Is that music I hear in the background?" JJ asked, confused.

"Yeah. A phonograph in the study playing "Jingle Bells" over and over." Sergeant Carlson noted.

"Sleigh bells in April? The unsub may have been trying to recreate the atmosphere of a holiday meal." Spencer furrowed his eyebrows.

"It looks like their hands were bound." Y/N eyed the feed on the screen.

"They're bound, shot in the head execution style." Sergeant Carlson continued.

"4 victims but 6 place settings. Maybe two of the intended victims were no-shows?" JJ suggested, glancing between the rest of the team.

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