41. Losing part of the family

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Everyone stood in the BAU bullpen. Y/N sat at her desk, Hotch standing behind her with his right hand on her shoulder. He was trying to keep her calm, as to not put her and their baby under any stress.

"I got 4 names on the bottom of the list Prentiss gave us. Luke Renault, Lawrence Riley, Lila Rafferty, Lyle Rogers. All with the initials L.R. The CIA uses cryptograms like that to assign to non-official cover agents working the same case." Hotch explained as he held a piece of paper in his hand.

"So do other foreign countries." Rossi nodded.

"These last 4 names are covers...spies." Hofch exhaled.

"Wait. No. This isn't right." Penelope took the paper from Hotch's hand and held it up, shaking her head.

"Do you see this space? That shouldn't be here." Penelope pointed to the last empty space on the list.

"Could it be a formatting error?" Spencer asked, curious.

"No, this is a spreadsheet template. Formatting doesn't allow for this. There's a missing name on here." Penelope denied.

"It's another spy whose cover is L.R." Derek noted.

"Lauren Reynolds is dead." Spencer muttered.

"What?" Y/N turned in her chair to glance at Spencer, who looked up.

"Lauren Reynolds is dead. Prentiss said that on a phone call 17 days ago. But her intonation wasn't surprise or grief. It was like a mantra, like she was reminding herself. Lauren Reynolds, L.R." Spencer's eyes widened.

"If Prentiss is the last name on that list, she's on Doyle's list, too." JJ exhaled.

"That explains her behavior the past couple of weeks. The secrets, the evasion, the secret phone calls." Rossi nodded.

"She's been biting her fingernails again, too." Spencer noted.

Y/N watched as Hotch grabbed his phone and dialled Emily's number. She furrowed her eyebrows when he heard Emily's ringtone nearby.

"Guys." Hotch put his phone on Emily's desk and opened up the top drawer, revealing her badge, her gun and her phone, all of which he held up for the team to see.

"She left her badge and gun? Why would she do that?" Derek asked, concerned.

"That doesn't make sense. Why run? We're her family. We can help." Spencer frowned.

"Doyle's killing families. She's not married, not close to relatives. He was ready to wipe us out. She ran to protect us." Rossi exhaled.

"She's a trained spy. She doesn't want to be found. She knows all of our tricks. We don't know any of hers." Derek shook his head.

"All right, then how do we find her?" Penelope asked.

"Here's how. Ian Doyle is our unsub, Prentiss is our victim. We profile their behaviour and we treat it like any other case." Hotch exhaled as he and the team walked up to the conference room. JJ stayed behind briefly before joining the team after 10 minutes.

"Okay, so I talked to a friend from Langley. He couldn't give me Emily's full CIA history, but he could give me this. She assumed the identity of Lauren Reynolds as part of a special task force called JTF-12." JJ explained as she sat down.

"I heard about them. They were profiling terrorists, weren't they?" Rossi questioned.

"Yeah, assembled after 9-11." Spencer nodded.

"CIA and Western agencies contributed their best and brightest. But serial killers and terrorists have different personality traits. How does Doyle fit in?" Derek leaned back in his chair.

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