39. Target

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When Aaron returned from his meeting with Strauss, he looked less than pleased. A mixed look of anger, worry and frustration was plastered on his face.

"BAU team, conference room now, please." Aaron insisted as he hastily headed to the conference room himself.

The team sat down in their seats, Y/N's hands automatically resting on her stomach.

"Until further notice, we must follow protocol." Aaron insisted.

"I'm sorry? Did we miss something?" Rossi furrowed his eyebrows.

"As most of you might've seen, without any warning I was pulled into a meeting with Strauss. I'm not going to lie. The meeting focused on Strauss trying to convince me to leave the BAU to be the leader of a White Collar Crime Task-Force." Aaron explained.

"Her selling point was the fact that it's a 9-5 job, that would get me home at night. Now, of course I didn't take the job. But her job offer/suggestion quickly turned into Strauss trying to make Y/N out to be the villain." Aaron couldn't lie.

"What does that have to do with us?" JJ asked, confused.

"Strauss is trying to find any reason - big or small - to remove me and/or Y/N from the team. That target will also affect you all. She might come to each of you for some sort of ammo to take me down." Aaron warned.

"Strauss has been trying to take apart the BAU since its creation. She didn't have enough evidence back then, and I highly doubt she has enough now." Rossi scoffed.

"Nevertheless, we need to be careful, especially with Strauss watching our every move." Aaron nodded.

Y/N stood up and left the conference room, everyone watching as she held her stomach. Instead of heading to the bathroom, Y/N walked down to her desk, grabbing her water bottle before going into Aaron's office. Shutting the door, she sat down, sipping her water. Her nausea was getting worse by the minute.

"Really? At work? C'mon baby, relax with the nausea please." Y/N muttered to herself, breathing in and out deeply.

Her dad taught her how to suppress the need to vomit. She'd either drink water or spend a few minutes taking deep breaths in and out. She often did both and it worked.

"Y/N, honey? Are you alright?" Aaron knocked on the door, opening it after a few seconds of silence.

"Your child really enjoys torturing me with nausea." Y/N scoffed.

"Do you need to go home? I can give you the rest of the day off." Aaron smiled as he sat on the coffee table, holding his wife's hands.

"I started feeling nauseous due to the morning sickness, but hearing about Strauss and what she said to you...I don't think me or our baby liked that very much." Y/N sipped her water again, trying to suppress the nausea.

"I'm not gonna let Strauss intimidate you." Aaron insisted, sitting down beside her.

"Strauss doesn't scare me. She can pull out any threat and I won't betray you, or our family." Y/N smiled.

"I'm glad." Aaron chuckled, watching as Y/N's face turned extremely pale.

"I'll be right back." Y/N ran out of Aaron's office and bolted to the bathroom, managing to bend over the toilet before letting all of yesterday and this morning's food out. Flushing the toilet and cleaning up her face, Y/N exited the bathroom and was greeted by Strauss, who had clearly been standing outside the door for at least a few minutes.

"Chief Strauss." Y/N smiled before moving away, hoping that Strauss didn't attempt to talk to her.

"Agent Hotchner." Strauss stopped Y/N, who exhaled.

"To make it less weird, please still refer to me as Agent Y/L/N." Y/N insisted.

"All right, Agent Y/L/N. May I have a word with you?" Strauss went to guide Y/N to her office, but Y/N shook her head.

"Please, make it quick. I've got paperwork." Y/N nodded.

"I'd like you to look through his file. It's the file that outlines the job I offered to your husband earlier. I think you should at least read through it. It's a good opportunity for him to connect more with his son if he moves to working a 9-5 job." Strauss handed Y/N the manila folder.

"If this is your attempt to convince me to change his mind, it won't work. If he didn't accept your opportunity, he doesn't want the job. I'm not going to make him do something that he doesn't want to do, whether you want him to or not." Y/N handed the file back to Strauss, who had a visible look of shock on her face.

"You're making a mistake by not talking to him. I'm simply trying to look out for you, Aaron, Jack and your unborn baby." Strauss insisted.

"No. What you're trying to do is make me look bad because I choose to work in the BAU. I'm not leaving the BAU. Aaron isn't leaving the BAU. Aaron's relationship with our son is perfectly fine and I'd never do anything to harm our future baby." Y/N glared at the woman in front of her, trying desperately not to do or say something that would get her fired.

Y/N let out a deep sigh when she saw Aaron heading toward her and Strauss.

"Is everything okay here?" Aaron asked, standing close enough to Y/N to relax her.

"Everything is fine, Agent Hotchner. I was just giving this file to Agent Y/L/N to look through." Strauss nodded and handed Y/N the file again, before walking off.

"She really has no boundaries." Y/N gave the file to Aaron, who opened it and realised what it was.

"She tried convincing you, even after I told her not to." Aaron rolled his eyes as he and Y/N walked back into the BAU bullpen.

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