im taking you home

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i was sat in the cubicle crying for over 5 minutes when i suddenly heard a knock on the door. "Lola?.. is that you in there?" Isabel asks and i sniffle my nose wiping tears and slowly opening the cubicle door. Izabel takes one look at me and she instantly has a worried look on her face then running to me and pulling me in for a hug. I instantly hug her back letting a few sobs out. And my cousin comforting was the best thing. As she was my family and i hadn't seen my family in 1 year so i felt sort of lonely. It wasn't because i lived far away. It's just i didn't get along with my dad that much and me and mum was ok i guess. But it wasn't the best. And travelling was a lot but with all of that i felt lonely sometimes. So this family support really meant a lot. My cousin soon end the hug wiping my tears away and tucking my hair behind my ear

"what happened hermosa..?" She asks i. and worried and eager tone. I sigh looking down at my feet and sniffling my nose "i saw... i saw the guy i said i couldn't like... and he kissed another girl and i just broke down! And i've realised i may have fallen for him. But i shouldn't!... he's my bestfriend... Dominiks my bestfriend!" I say and Izabel sighs then moving my head up making me look at her "Amor.. you can't deny your feelings. And the more you do the more this is all going to hurt... But hermosa you don't need Dominik! You're a beautiful women and if he doesn't see that.. then he's not worth it. okay?" Izabel said and it made me feel better but i knew this was all going to hurt again later.. "Thank you.. would it be okay if i went home?" i asked and izabel nodded her head. "Of course. i'll come with you." Izabel offered and i shook my head "no no it's okay. You stay out. Have fun.. just don't get into too much trouble." I say and we both do a little chuckle to lighten the mood.

i leave the toilets with Izabel and she heads of to the bar. I began walking around trying the find the exit i look around and walk backwards a little bit but i accidentally bumped into someone. Instantly turned around to apologise "oh my god i'm so sor-..." i stopped talking as the person turned around and it was Dominik. I froze for a second and Dominik looked at me realising it was me "Lola i nee-.." Dominik begins to say but i cut him off by walking away in a fast pace and he follows me a little "Lola! please.." He shouts when suddenly i bump into someone else. The person i bumped into laughed a little turning around "hey.. watch where you are-... wait Lola. I thought you left as you just walked away when we was talking. It was a bit odd when you just left i can't lie." Xavier said. And my eyes widen as i let out a sigh "sorry i just needed some fresh air.. nothing to do with you i promise..."
I say looking to the side to see Dominik standing in the distance with the most annoyed expression i've ever seen. Why was he annoyed...? Was it because of me...? Wait no! i shouldn't care. I need to listen to what Izabel said...

i turn back to look at Xavier who's smiling at me and i smile back "I don't think i told you earlier but you are actually stunning.." Xavier stated and it instantly put a smile on my face. I mean i didn't get any butterflies but it was nice that he gave me a compliment. I looked to the side again unintentionally to see Dominik still there and seeing him just made me picture what happened earlier... and it just made me want to find some guy and kiss him to get Dominik out of my head... that should work right..?

So i turn back to look at Xavier then leaning in and kissing him on the lips. Xavier kisses me back placing his hands on my waist and pulling me closer to him. I soon end the kiss as i just can't help but want to see if Dominik was still standing there. And he was... but he looked pissed off and upset... Dominik shook his head then storming off. Why was he pissed off? i couldn't have done anything to make him upset? could i?

i look back at Xavier awkwardly smiling at him and moving his hands away from my waist. "i think i need to go.." I say and i begin to walk away from Xavier. Xavier just stands in the same place frozen from confusion. I did feel bad for Xavier i guess but this wasn't anything serious... And that kiss felt like nothing. I didn't have any butterflies. And i don't blush.. it was as if i made out with a wall.

i began to walk around the club then taking my phone out and looking at the time. It was midnight. Good thing i didn't have a match tomorrow... But because of how late it was i felt like i should go home. So i began to walk around looking for the exit. I came across the exit and i walked out then taking my phone out to order an Uber.

i looked on the app for an uber and it said there was a 30 minute wait. But i wasn't in no rush so i hired it then just sitting down on the pavement to wait for my uber. I pulled my phone out and began to scroll through my instagram. There was a lot of pictures of me in the ring but also Dominik... This whole situation i had going on right now sucked. And i just wanted it all to disappear..

And Uber notification popped up on my phone and it said 'uber has been cancelled. Your refund will come shortly' I instantly got annoyed and looked down. "For fuck sake mate. Can this night get any worse.." I shout in an annoyed tone but i soon felt a tap on my shoulder and i slowly looked up and around me to see who it was and out of everyone it was Dominik. I stayed silent but Dominik shook his head at me putting his hand out for me to grab sighing "i haven't drunk anything. I'm taking you home."

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