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"i haven't drunk anything, i'm taking you home." Dominik states in a annoyed but helpful tone. I don't say anything i just stand up nodding.

we walk to his car and we both got into his car. I sat in the front but just i looked down and Dominik began to drive. We didn't say a word to eachother nor look at eachother. It was just silent. But eventually i turned my head slightly looking at Dominik and he's just keeping his eyes on the road but i noticed he had a little tear on his cheek. Without thinking or anything i moved my hand to his cheek wiping the tear.

Dominik shakes his head then sighing "why have you been ignoring me?" He asks and i clench my fists also sighing because i didn't want him to know i had fallen for him... "i-.. um.. i didn't mean to. I've been busy.." I say looking down as i knew i was lying. But i then hear Dominik do a sarcastic laugh so look at him. "I'm taking you home.. and i've known you since we was 12... But you decide to lie right to my face.." He says shaking his head. And he clenches on the steering wheel more and pushes his foot down on the pedal more. I frantically look around shouting "Dom! Dom stop!" But he soon stops when in reaction to him sort of speeding i placed my hand on his hand. I did it to make him stop and it worked.

When he stopped i looked at my hand that was on his hand and i immediately moved my hand away. My stomach had butterflies but then my heart was aching.. this is the worst type of pain i've felt.

I would always get told about how amazing falling for your bestfriend was. I was told it was magical. I would agree.. never thinking i would be falling for my bestfriend. I always thought my feelings for Dom would be platonic.. At least his feelings for me still are. My days are taken up by the thoughts of Dom. And how he was now the most beautiful person i knew.. He wasn't just that annoying Dom i knew anymore.. He was something more. I don't know where these feelings came from. I've prayed and hoped they would go away but they haven't.. The feelings grew bigger and it has just caused so much more heartache. It's not Doms fault but a part of me wants to blame him... blame him for letting me friends with him.. blame him for being nice.. blame him for being the most important person to me.. Without him i don't know who i would be today...

i look at Dominik crossing my arms "why are you pissed at me? yeah i haven't spoke to you for a week so what. I have been busy. And i've been focusing on other things.." I say and in retaliation Dominiks scoffs raising his brows "yeah shoving your tongue down guys mouths instead of talking to your supposedly bestfriend." He states and i hearing that felt as if he had punched me in the stomach. What does that mean? Does he think i'm a slag? Does he think i'm gross? What did i do?

i gasp rolling my eyes lightly hitting his shoulder  "Mate you kissed that girl to! What is she your girlfriend now? huh? i'm surprised she even likes you.. you're a dickhead" I say out of anger. I didn't mean it. Like at all. Everything i felt for him was the opposite to that. He wasn't a dickhead.. not even close. He was the kindest person ever. More kind than me.. this jealousy and pain was talking over me. And i was being horrible the the person i cared most about..

Dominik stopped the car as we arrived at my house. And he shook his head again at me sighing at what i said "Wow thank you so much Lola. But no she's not my girlfriend and never was. But you haven't spoke to me for 1 week. I've tried texting you and no reply. I've tried talking to you but you would just blank me." Dominik frantically and i unbuckle my seatbelt tucking my hair behind my ear "Dominik i just didn't want to talk to you okay!? i didn't want to see you and i didn't want to talk to you..." I shout and Dominik shaking his head scoffing.

"Well thank you for finally being honest but you not talking to me isn't the only thing that happened. You also have been acting weird around me. And what i do. Who i talk to... I'm so confused. And especially with girls. When i shows you the girl i was dating you got all pissed off. Then at the club today i saw you just after i kissed someone and you was standing there crying and then stormed off. And wouldn't talk to me when i tired to talk to you. This is all confusing but honestly why would you care? you never care? Why didn't you want to to talk to me? I need answers Lola. You can't just let me stay confused" Dominik stated ranting and without even thinking i shouted "You wanna know why i don't want to talk to you? You want know why i've been acting weird? Well guess what Dominik?! I like you! okay?! you happy? you got the answer you wanted?!"

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