wait there

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it's been about a week since me and Dominik kissed. But things haven't been as good as i thought they would... We haven't really spoke. For some reason we both just kept avoiding each other. I would think about him all day and night but if i saw him in person i wouldn't speak to him. And he did the same to me. We spoke over messages sometimes but again not a lot.

Maybe it was out of embarrassment? yeah sometimes when i saw him all my words left my brain so i wouldn't know what to say to him. But when i was at home i would know everything i wanted to say to him...

—— monday night raw ——

i was at the WWE headquarters and there was an episode of raw and i new i was going to see Dominik today and i was excited but not as i knew we was probably not going to talk to eachother. Maybe my odd brain thought after we kissed we would perhaps be going dates but i guess not. What if after the kiss Dominik realised that these feelings he had for me wasn't real...?

i was in my changing room getting ready for my match against Rhea. I put on my wrestling gear which was red booty shorts, red sports-crop top, red cropped zip up hodge with red and white wrestling shoes. Then i just curled the ends of my hair slightly to make it wavy. I didn't do much with my make up i just put on some mascara and red lipstick. And I grabbed a cherry lollipop placing it in my pocket for when I leave the gorilla.

I walked out of my dressing room to see Demi (rhea) and she pulls my arm dragging me back inside of my dressing room and shutting the door "right talk to Dom, or kiss him or something just do something! He may have told me about what happened between you guys so he could get advice and now he's been telling me he thinks you didn't like him. And that's not true... right?" Demi says and my eyes widen. He thinks I don't like him anymore? Crap! I do like him I just get embarrassed... "what?! I do like him. I thought he didn't like me... i sound a bit crazy... But I would always get embarrassed to talk to him in person... He's been my best friend for years... and now my feelings about him are changing and he's liked me for awhile when i've only like liked him for 2 weeks...This is alot to process..." i rant and Demi pulls me in for a hug. "Lola he's liked you longer than i've known him. He never tells me how long but i've known him for 3 years and even if it's just that... that's a long time he's liked you for and he didnt even think you liked him before now... He's been waiting for you... he only likes you. I say like but i don't think this is a liking situation. i think he might be in love with you. wait don't tell him i said that he'll kill me." Demi stated and hearing that just made me want to show Dominick i really and truely liked him... i just need to get this match over and done with!

Me and Demi left my dressing room and began to walk to the gorilla. Once we got to the gorilla Dominick was there so walked up to him quickly before my music played "wait here we need to talk.." i stated then my music started to play (cherry bomb). So I quickly opened my lollipop and pulled my hood on my head.

—— match ——

I then walked out of the gorilla and the arena got drowned with cheers. I placed my lollipop in the bin that was next to the announcement table then getting in the ring. Once I got in the ring I started to blow kisses at people and the crowd started to cheer more. I stopped then grabbing a mic that was in the corner of the ring. But as I grabbed the mic Rhea Ripleys music started and she walked out with a smug look on her face and mic in her hand "Ola... hey sweetheart" Rhea says and I shake my head rolling eyes. "What do you want Rhea?" I ask and Rhea then stands on the apron then walking in the ring over the middle rope. "I just wanna say I like how you are trying to act like you have some balls and you're trying to get My Dom Dom back in his fathers shadow. But then I don't like how you are disrespecting him. He got out of that trap and joined the judgement day. A family he needs. And you're trying to make him go back? It's not okay sweetheart." Rhea rants and the crowd was filled with boos and cheers.

the match ended with Rhea winning as she needed to keep her title and no one wanted her to loose it at a raw match. After the match finished i left the area and walked to the gorilla. Once i got into the gorilla i looked around for Dominik and he wasn't there. "For fuck sake..." i mumbled to myself as i needed to talk to him. I didn't want him to think i don't like him. Because i do. I do really like him. He's so nice, honest, caring, safe...., handsome and all time perfect... so i wasn't just gunna to let this whole situation go in the bin if there's a chance it could a legitimate thing...

i left the gorilla and i was walking around aimlessly looking for Dominic. Then suddenly Dominic walked out of his locker room. I ran up to him grabbing his biceps. He looks at me confused "yes? you okay?" He asks in a worried tone and i sigh "i told you to wait for my match to end because i needed to speak to! and you wasn't there. When i tell you to wait there please wait there... please.." I start to ramble and getting overwhelmed and Dominik then just pulls me into hug knowing why i'm reacting like this. I sigh with a shaky breath as Dominick comforts me "Lola... it's okay i'm not him... I'm not leaving..i just went to brush my hair.." He says and it's calms me down...

i was reacting like this because my last serious relationship wasn't good... It was toxic.. He made me feel like shit. We would argue everyday for 2 years.... I got with him when i was 20 and we broke up before my 22nd birthday... Because.. once he told me needed to go pick his friend up from the airport so we went to the airport and when we was there i was going to talk to him about potentially getting married as i was in love... And i needed the toilet so i went toilet telling him to wait in this shop because i wanted to talk to him about it after and when i came back he wasn't there... i spent 5 hours in the airport aimlessly walking around looking for him. I was ringing him and texting him. I had no answer and i even got the police involved. The police then got back to me 1 week later after i spent days locked in my house. And they said he went to New York that day he went 'missing' and he was living with his long distance girlfriend he had been with for 6 months. I didn't even get to tell him how i felt because i found out he removed me from his contacts and blocked me.

so little things like leaving when i say wait there sent me.. call me overreactive buts it's just how i felt....


i looked back up at Dominik ending the hug. "i wanted to talk about how i like you Dominik and still do. I haven't stopped thinking about you and i don't want you to think i don't like you... Ever since that day we kissed i've wanted to kiss you again... i've wanted to go on dates with you.... i just haven't told you as i felt all flustered and embarrassed to talk to you...."

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