i take back what i said

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"You wanna know why i don't want to talk to you? You want know why i've been acting weird? Well guess what Dominik?! I like you! okay?! you happy? you got the answer you wanted?!" I shouted and Dominiks eyes widened. He looked so confused. "you.. what?" Dominik asked in a shocked tone. And I then just comprehend what I said and I realised. I fucked up. I just told my best friend I had feelings for him.. fuck.. I needed to get out if this some how so before Dominik could say anything i quickly got out of the car and ran to my door. I heard Dominik in the distance shout my name but I didn't look back i just walked into my house.

Once I closed my front door behind me I just dropped down on the floor just staring at the floor. I was just trying to comprehend everything that has happened and how quickly I admitted i had feelings for Dominik. I told him.. I fucking told my best friend I had feelings for him.. how dumb can I be? "What the fuck have I done?..." I say to myself. I sat down for a few minutes but then deciding I need to sort myself and this shit out then go to bed.

So I walked into my room taking my make up off and getting changed into my pjs (t-shirt and shorts). It was now around 1:30 so I instantly ran to bed and falling asleep within 10 minutes.

—— next day 10:30 ——

I woke up to my phone being spammed, I instantly thought it was Dominik and dreaded to check my phone but I felt I needed to face what was going to happen now. So I picked my phone up looking at who the messages where from. They were from Demi (Rhea). She was just spamming my name so I would answer.

—— messages ——. Demi/Rhea Lola






Omg what do you want?

Finally you answered. It's Dom. I'm out with him and the other boys but he's not his usual self. Would you happen to know why?

No, idk.

Damn. Ur not your usual self either. Have you two fallen out?

It don't matter. But i'm busy so cya.

—— End of messages ——

i roll my eyes placing my phone on my bed sighing. Why the fuck did i have to tell him? God i'm so rational with my feelings. I should've kept it to myself and then this slider of happened. And also we wouldn't of even had that argument if I didn't ignore him... I just completely fucked everything up.

—— time skip ——

I was now in my room chilling on my phone as I had nothing else to do when I suddenly got a call from Finn. He would always find some way to make me laugh so I immediately answered.

—— call ——. Finn Lola

heyyy Lola.

Hey Finn. What's up?

You should come meet me, Rhea, Damien ! You shouldn't be at home and we rarely come to this side so come meet up with us

Wasn't Dominik with you guys?

Ah sorry I can't hear you... but yeah you will meet us? Great! I'll send you the pin.

—— Finn hangs up ——

I shake my head putting my phone down thinking if I should meet them or not as Dominik might be there... but then I can't hide from him for the rest of my life. So I decided I was going to meet up with them. So i got out of bed and walked to my closet and picked my outfit then getting changed into it.


i then sat down at my vanity putting in some light makeup with lip gloss

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i then sat down at my vanity putting in some light makeup with lip gloss. I didn't do anything with my hair as it didn't look bad. So i just brushed it.

After i had finished getting changed and checked the pin at where Rhea and the others was. They was only a 20 minute walk away from me so decided to would just walk there. So i grabbed my airpods then playing music and began to head to the destination.

I arrived but i was at a house. So i paused for a second staring but i then slowly walked up to the front door and knocked moving my headphones down to my shoulders. The front door then opened and it was Luis (Damien). I raised a brow out of confusion. But Luis just smiled at me chuckling a little bit "Don't act so confused. I've moved here. This is my new house." Luis states moving out of the way to let me inside. I smile then waiting for Luis to shut the door. After he shuts it i then hug him. And he wrapped his arms around me hugging back. "you should have told me you moved here idiot." I state in a jokey annoyed tone ending the hug. Luis sakes his head then rubbing my head to mess my hair up. "you dick!" I shout then brushing my hands through my hair to sort it out.

I was laughing walking backwards facing Luis trying to mess his hair up. I soon stopped when we reached the living room. And i turned around smiling. I looked around and i saw Rhea and Finn i waved at them smiling. Then i saw a certain person Dominik. He was on his phone but he soon lifted his head up and saw me. His eyes widened but he didn't say anything he just looked so shocked to see me.

Finn and Rhea was staring and Dominik looking like they was waiting for him to say something but he just looked at them pulling a dirty look then going back on his phone. I did a little scoff. What do i expect? Of course he's not going to talk to me. I told him last night that i had feelings for him! I'm a maniac. And i've ruined our friendship. This was the only friendship i really cared about screwing up. And now it's the only one i have screwed up..

I walked over to Rhea and sat down next to her. She smiled at me kissing me in the cheek like she always did. And i smiled. I then turned to to look at Finn but i saw him whispering to Dominik and pointing over to me. I fully stared at them both and Dominik glanced over at me noticing that i was looking so he turned to Finn whispering for him to shut up. But Finn then looked at me then Dominik sighing "ah... um right okay..." He stated then looking over at me shaking his head" Sorry but what the fuck happened between you guys?" Finn asked me and Dominik. Me and Dominik both glanced at each other. Dominik looked down as he didn't know what to say. So i leaned forward sighing "i said something that caused a little stir between us...But i take back what i said..." As i said that Dominik looked up and he looked devastated... he didn't look confused he looked upset... And suddenly he stood up storming off. I heard the front door slam so i ran to the window and i saw him pacing back and forward on the front porch.

i looked behind me at the others who are staring at me. And i quickly walked out of the living room to front door and leaving walking up to Dominik. "Dom..."


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