The Wedding

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Carolines P .O.V.

"No, I said pink flowers not yellow ones," I yelled at the florist.
"Love", I heard from behind me, "are you scaring people again?"
"Oh, shut up", I teased as I turned around to kiss Klaus.
"But the weddings tomorrow and this...thing...messed up the order", I groaned.
"Would yellow flowers be that bad", Klaus asked, still not seeing the seriousness of this whole "flower fiasco."
"I guess they could work", I said sighing motioning for the florist to leave.
"Hey, is everything ok", Klaus said quietly.
"I'm just sad that Elena can't be here", I said slowly trying hard not to cry.
"I know..come here", he said pulling me into a hug. That's when the tears started, I just missed my best friend.

Elenas P.O.V.

We had just reached mystic falls, and everything looked normal. According to Katherine, we were going to make our appearance tomorrow at the wedding.
"You ready", Katherine said looking over at me as she was driving.
"I'm ok, but I'm just worried that everyone will hate me."
"Everything will be ok", she said reassuringly.
During this past year, we had developed a unique friendship, that most people would probably not understand.
"Thanks for everything", I said happily.
"No problem", she said brightly copying my smile exactly.

The Next Day

Third Person P.O.V.

Elena stood shivering as the sun rose over the horizon. Katherine stood behind her with her arms crossed.
"This is going to be a good day", she said exitedly staring at Elena.
"Yep", Elena almost whispered.
"You get to see your love..Damon" she said teasingly.
"You should just stop talking before I attack you", Elena laughed.
On the other side of town, one young blonde vampire and witch best friend were in a panic.
"Caroline if you don't calm down, I might have to hex you," Bonnie said patting her friend on the back.
"I can't find my shoes", she cried.
Bonnie reached under a table and pulled out two silver heels.
"Here they are", Bonnie said handing them to Caroline.
"Oh, sorry", she said laughing nervously, "I'm just so nervous."
"You're marrying a man that you love, you two will literally be together forever", Bonnie giggled and continued, "Elena's fine, don't worry about her. This is your big day."

Damon looked out the window seeing the sun rise slowly. He turned around and finished tying his tye, and began to walk out the door. Yet before he left, he looked at the picture on his nightstand. It was of him and Elena laughing happily at some restaurant.
"You better come home soon Elena, or...", he stopped midsentence when the door opened.
"Hey", Stefan said then paused for a moment, letting his eyes rest on the photograph.
"So", Damon said changing the subject, "are you still dating that girl, or did that end."
Stefan started laughing, "Well, that ended awhile ago, but let's just say things didn't end on a good note."
"Do I even want to know?"
"Nope", he said still laughing as he walked down the hall.

Soon, it was time for the wedding, and everyone was uncontrollably happy.
The wedding took place in a old church near the edge of town. It was a formal affair, so most people wore ball gowns and suits.
Elena and Katherine disguised themselves so that they would only be revealed at the right time. They walked in nervously, and sat in the very back waiting for it to begin.
Katherine elbowed Elena in the stomach, and said urgently, "don't look now."
"What", Elena asked curiously, but when she looked up she saw Damon walking past them looking for a seat.
"He doesn't look good", commented Katherine thoughtfully.
It was true, Elena thought, he had dark circles under his eyes and looked exhausted.
Finally, the music began and everyone stopped talking. Out came Caroline in the most beautiful dress ever. She walked up to Klaus, who was looking at her in awe.
They said their vows, and then Katherine whispered to Elena, "it's almost time."
Then the priest said looking out across the crowd, "if anyone has any complaints...please speak now."
Silence filled the room, and then people started falling asleep..everyone except all of the supernatural beings.

Katherine had called a friend of hers to do this spell, so that none of the humans freaked out about the doppelgangers.
"What's going on", Stefan shouted angrily.
"Dear, dear Stefan don't worry", Katherine said standing up.
"So sorry to ruin the festivities", Elena said guiltily, also standing up.
"What's going on", Klaus asked confused.
"Why Klaus, you don't recognize your two favorite doppelgangers, Katherine said innocently.
Gasps filled the room, and suddenly their disguises were no more.
"Did you miss us", Katherine and Elena said together laughing.

Hey guys!!!! I decided to do third person p.o.v. because it would show that scene better, but it will change back in the next update! I actually really like writing about this doppelganger friendship, in some ways Elena is closer to Katherine than her other friends.
So now Stefan is single, but he will be dating someone'll just have to wait ;)!


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