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Elenas P.O.V.

There was complete and utter silence.
"Weird, this is the treatment we get when we come back", I said jokingly to Katherine.
"I know right",Katherine said mock pouting, "where's the lights, the red carpets, and the handsome actors."
"Maybe, we're in the wrong place", I said pretending to begin to leave when I felt a hand grab onto my arm.
"Hey Elena", Tyler said releasing my arm, "how are you doing."
"Oh, you know, I had to kill thousands of"
Everyone stared at Katherine, but she was already glaring at me.
"Thousands...", she said laughing, "we barely even saw anyone until yesterday."
"That's it", I exclaimed, I'm hallucinating. I then fell down pretending to have fainted.
Once again I heard gasps from all of the people.
I opened my eyes and saw Katherine crouching by my side.
"I would give that a solid B+. Since these idiots forgot that a vampire can't faint," she said grabbing my arm to pull me up.
"Well, maybe they can", I retorted.
"That never has happened."
"This could be the first time."
"Is there some sort of vampire rule book, I don't know about."
"No, the closest thing we got is...", she stopped and I realized what she was about to say.
"Klauss!!!!!!!" We both shrieked.
"Yes", he asked still standing in the same place.
"Well", we asked in sync.
"Can vampires faint", we said once again simultaneously.
"Maybe",he said slowly.
I turned to Katherine, "that was a yes", I yelled at the same time as her yelling, "that was a no."
We stood staring at each other, and eventually I broke our gaze to stare at the crowd.
"Well, I'm sorry,but we gotta go. We will be at the after party, but we're late for a prior engagement.
"Yeah", Katherine said following me to the door, "got people to kill and planning the end of the world."
"Kat", I said gasping, "you told them our plan."
Then we linked arms and skipped out of the building, laughing crazily.

After a few minutes, we stopped skipping, but continued to laugh.
"So, since we lied about having plans, what should we do now", I asked tears in my eyes.
"Let's shop for outfits for the party", Kat said exitedly.
The after party was pretty casual and only close friends were invited, but Kat didn't get a invite. So she's crashing the party.

Couple Hours Later

Finally, after much shopping, we had gotten our outfits. Kat wore a red dress, black leather jacket, and combat boots. While, I wore the same leather jacket and boots, but had on a turquoise dress. We often wore the same thing, it was fun and it confused people, so that made it 5 times funnier.

We walked up to Klaus' house, where the party was being held.
"You ready Lena", Kat said glancing at me.
"Well....I will be", I said trying to be confident, but they're was still a nervous tremor in my voice.
Kat smiled and went to knock on the door.
Stefan opened the door. He glanced at the both of us, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kat blushing nervously.
"Hey", he said his voice slightly cracking.
It hurt to see Stefan so sad, so I leaned in and gave a huge hug.
"So, why are you guys wearing the same thing", Stefan said motioning to our outfits.
"Long story", I said waving the comment away, "I hope it won't be too confusing for you."
"No, I can tell the two of you apart", he said looking over to Kat, matching her blush.
"Aww, you two are so cute together", I exclaimed happily.
They looked at me astonished, but I saw a hint of a smile on both of their faces.
I walked away slowly, letting the two of them talk. I was walking towards the main area, looking at the floor, when I ran into someone.
"Oh, I'm sorry", I said looking up, and I gasped when I saw who it was.
The person I had most dreaded to see.
The person I had most likely hurt the most......Damon.

Hey guys!!!! So, I like the fact that Elena is getting more independent, its fun to write about. So they're may or may not be a new relationship about to begin..look forward to that!

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