- 11: Loud Harmony -

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A few days had passed since Larry's incident, which has given the little one time to rest well, learning not to force himself. In order not to get bored, he'd listen to music while playing with a small ball, bouncing it. At first this would have bored him, but now he does it with a subtle smile. Next to him are Bobby and Jr. playing cards and accompanying the little blue-haired boy.

Being 12:30 P.M., the boys were playing UNO. Jr. had two cards and deposited one on the table, raising his voice and saying...

Jr.: UNO!! Ha! I'm going to beat you, Bobby! (Saying it with a superb smile)

The little green-haired boy hides his face between four cards that he had distributed in the form of a fan in his hands, only leaving his eyes visible and looking at Jr., who did not know what awaited him, as Bobby gave a small mischievous smile, to then deposit a letter that would make the little redhead's smile disappear from one moment to the next. It was a letter with a black background with white that marked "+4" in the corners. Jr. is surprised and puts on a tense face, drawing four more cards, laying down another card.

At that moment, Bobby put another card like the one he had put, causing Bowsy to grab another four cards, now having seven, depositing another one. The next turn, Bobby put a card of the same color that his friend had put, which was a card with a yellow eight, but this indicated a cancel sign, which causes Jr. to lose a turn.

Bobby: UNO!

Jr. gritted his teeth and frowned, but Bobby finally put down one last card, a yellow four winning the match. Jr. couldn't believe it, his jaw dropped.

Bobby: I won (smiles)

Larry: well... it's 8 – 2 in favor of Bobby

Jr.: oh no! Again... not fair...

After a few seconds, he throws the cards up and lies face down, kicking and hitting the ground with his fists. Then he covers his face with his hands.

Jr.: he was lucky

Bobby: I'm sorry, Bowsy, that's what it's all about.

Larry: yeah, don't be a sore loser

Bobby looked at Larry raising an eyebrow.

Jr.: I know, I know, don't scold me...

Bowsy straightens up and sits down crossing his arms, feeling somewhat embarrassed for having thrown a tantrum, making an annoyed face looking away. Bobby stands up and approaches him, extending his hand, causing Jr. to look at him doubtfully.

Bobby: Well played, Bowsy. Let's play again sometime, it's fun to spend time with you (smiles at him tenderly)

Jr. looks at him somewhat moved and then gets up and shakes his hand, shaking both of them, drawing a small smile on the little redhead and returning his joy.

Jr.: I agree, I like to play with you. Sorry if I got like that (scratches the back of his neck)

Bobby: no problem

Bobby suddenly hugs Jr., who blushes slightly and returns the hug with a smile and his eyes closed. Larry, for his part, saw them and smiled, although inside he chuckled seeing how Jr. moved his tail without realizing it.

Jr.: (thinking) I can't get mad at Bobby, I don't know why... but I enjoy hugging him.

After a while someone knocks on the door, it's Mykey. Feeling the door open, the little ones separate

Mykey: hi guys! Larry, Mr. Kamek said that the doctor came to examine your arm.

Larry: finally!

Mykey, Bobby and the Koopalings (english)Where stories live. Discover now