- 12: Gimme a hand -

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Mykey and Morton were in Morton's room. They had recently arrived, since Morton wanted to talk with the purple-haired Koopa alone.

Morton's room was a little messy, which Mykey misses, but the fat little one doesn't.

Morton: (whispers) ah... d-damn... (Scratching the back of his neck) sorry for the mess, uh... (laughs nervously)

Mykey: nah, don't worry (shrugs while smiling at him) anyway; what did you want to talk about?

Morton stops laughing and slowly puts on a melancholy expression.

Morton: (whispers) do you think Morton...is a mess?

Mykey looks to his right then left continuously.

Morton: uh... Morton is not referring to his bedroom, but to himself...

The older young raises an eyebrow at that question and tilts his head, putting on a slightly doubtful expression.

Mykey: uh... what?

Morton: (whispers) you see... (sits on the bed) things haven't been going well for Morton lately, that's why he asks

Mykey: w-well, the truth is that I don't know what to say...

Morton looks down somewhat disappointed.

Morton: (whispers) oh...

Mykey: I don't know you very well, but tell me...

Mykey sits to Morton's right and looks at him, continuing his statement.

Mykey: ... why do you ask?

Morton looks up at Mykey again, and then looks up from side to side with his eyes, clasping his hands together as he twirls his thumbs.

Morton: (whispers) is that... Morton feels that nobody likes him... (Sighs) when he wants to make others feel good, they always treat Morton badly

Mykey: oh... I'm so sorry to hear that

Morton: (whispers) they also always say that Morton eats a lot and that he is fatso...

The indigo Koopa stares at him as he listens.

Morton: (whispers) and also that he yells. Morton just tries to speak, but he...can't help it. Even so, his siblings look upset and cover their ears.

Mykey: I understand...

Morton: (whispers) not only that... Morton has a problem that he has never told anyone, for fear of being laughed at

Mykey: what is it about?

Morton nervously glances sideways at his fellow Koopa, looking around. Mykey realizes that Morton is somewhat uncomfortable with that question, so he decides to drop it.

Mykey: ah, s-sorry, if it's something very personal...

Morton takes another sigh and then silence reigns for a few seconds before Morton looks at Mykey and says...

Morton: (whispers) Morton can't read...or write...he barely knows his own name.

Mykey looks surprised at Morton, staring at him for a few moments, noticing that the dark-skinned young man put his hands on his knees somewhat embarrassed and looking away from him into space.

Mykey: and... Does Mr. Bowser know? Mr. Kamek?

Morton: (whispers) M-maybe... Morton isn't sure. Most likely, yes

Mykey, Bobby and the Koopalings (english)Where stories live. Discover now