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Just a random note about me. Usually during the day, I don't give a flying fuck about grammar or writing well. But at night, I tend to be so bored that I actually attempt to write nicely. Heh.

So, I am 16 years old. As most of you know, one of the biggest hallmarks of growing up is turning 16 and starting to drive. I've been studying for my driving test for a week or two. I'm not sure how it is where you are, but where I am, you have to get your learner's license first. That means the actual driving test (with the instructor) doesn't happen until you've had your learner's license for at least a year. And to get your learner's license, you have to pass a written test.

I found out you can read the driving handbook online on my province's driving website, so I've been reading that to study. I finished it tonight, so I've been taking practice tests. I failed both practice tests, but that just means I still need to study for a while longer until I am confident enough to take the real test.

I'm still nervous, though; I mean, what if I get my learner's license, and I get into a horrible accident? It's unlikely, I know, but my anxiety makes me worry about unlikely things way too much.

And another thing: One of my friends just got her learner's license, and she likes to rub it in and brag that she can drive now. It never used to bother me, but for some reason, it bothers me now. I guess I am just opening my eyes to the possible toxicity of her friendship. I have had plenty of doubts about her, and I briefly considered dumping her as my friend. But as I say (maybe say too much, actually), I don't have many friends, so I valued her company, and whenever I was sad, she drove me back to happiness. (pun) But now that I am starting to meet new people, the pros of breaking contact with her outweigh the cons.

Wow. Did I ever steer away from the subject. (haha very punny)

So, that is all. My desire to experience life on the open road is what drives me to continue studying, even though I am having some difficulties. (wow am I ever full of puns today) It is 1 AM here. I may or may not go to sleep.

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