OFF Fan Game

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So, as some of you know, or none of you know at all...I'm a huge fan of the RPG Game, OFF. If you would like to play it, it's a free download, and I highly recommend it. It's just...phenomenal. The soundtrack, the story, everything about this game is amazing.

So, anyways, onto the fan game. It's a fan-made sequel to OFF, and it is called One. It is also a free download. It has no connection, really, to Mortis Ghost (the creator of OFF), so technically it stands on its own. It's still a great play if you loved OFF, and especially if you were confused about the ending of the game.

Speaking of the ending of OFF, there are so many fan theories as to what it all means, my personal favourite theory is the 'Split Father' theory. No spoilers here, search at your own risk.

OFF is a rather short game, if you do not grind XP and don't have any difficulty with puzzles. But short can also be sweet. And boy, is this game ever sweet.

The moral of the story is: Play OFF. And if you like OFF, play One. Amazing game, amazing story, you will not waste your time with this one, my friends.

(I am saying all this because I am planning on going as Zacharie for Halloween. Can 16-year-olds still go trick or treating...?)

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