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i want to dye my hair again.
if you know me
you know i have a huge obsession with dyeing my hair,
i have dyed it red like 10 times, purple like 10 times, and all sorts of different shades of brown. i even bleached it completely blonde once.
needless to say, i use my hair as my expression tool.

so i have been really wanting to dye it again after having it just normal boring brown for almost a year....
i could go red again, but thats kinda normal for me too.
purple, but its so much work!!!!
or i could try a new color.
like blue.

i have never dyed my hair blue before. i am afraid it will clash with my eyes, because my eyes are blue...and im afraid it will make me look more pale >.> but maybe that's a good thing. my face is always red and shit so

i know nobody on here knows what i look like
but i just wanted to say
i might have blue hair soon

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