Chapter One

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Please note that this story has been completely revised.

Every little detail about that night would always coming crashing back towards her whenever she found herself in that deep and dangerous place that she had tried to forget for so many years but no matter what it would be forever etched into her memory no matter what.

She could still feel the dangerous venom dripping off his tongue as he continued to verbally assault her,The blows that he inflicted on her then pale skin,The trauma that he put her through as he bypassed every mental wall that she had built and tried to stabilize. She could taste the saltiness of all the tears that she had shed during that time,even the ones that didn't dare fall in case of retribution. Elizabeth Marie Carter knew from that day forward that she would never be the same woman that she was all those years ago. She couldn't find any turning point.

"Liza are those tears I see falling from your face?"He asked as he circled around her,just as a lion would around his wounded meal.

Elizabeth quickly shook her head"No" she quickly replied as she tried to stop the overflow of tears that flowed freely down her face.

"I think you're lying to me love"

"I'm not Jacob"

In one swift motion,His strong hand quickly latched onto her upper arm,and her to a standing position."Liza"

"Jacob,please stop"Elizabeth cried out as he applied more pressure,to her already bruised arm.

Her head jerked in the opposite direction as his hand landed roughly across her face.It wasn't the first time that he has struck her and she knew that it surely wouldn't be the last.

"You don't ever raise your voice to me"Jacob spat "Ever"

Elizabeth couldn't even make herself move to fight back, even though her brain was trying desperately to get her to give up, her heart was still telling her to fight. But how could she fight when this man that she thought had loved her, was draining everything out of her.Every time that she would gain a little courage to retaliate against him,he would always be there to knock her confidence down a couple of notches. Through out these last several weeks,She had been contemplating just what was her reason for holding on and not ending her life. And as if a sign she felt a light flutter in her midsection.

'You're my reason for fighting'Elizabeth though as she tuned out his harsh words.'Mommy's little nugget'

Even though the child had been conceived out of wedlock and in the mist of a dangerous environment.She couldn't help but to have an immense amount of love towards this child of hers.It was at that moment when she realized that she would protect him or her with every bone in her body and wouldn't let this vile man sink his teeth into both of their innocence.She knew once he had found out that she was pregnant with his child. All chance of hope would be forever gone.

'Fight for your child' her subconscious spoke as it ignited a fire in her soul.

Balling her fist up and scrunching up her nose,Elizabeth's eyes narrowed as she swung hard at him,catching him squarely in the right eye.Once his grip on her arm loosened,She ran like a bat out of hell through the darkness. As she ran she could hear him as he let out a string of curses.

"Just keep running"She chanted over and over again. After what seemed like hours,Elizabeth could feel herself tiring out but she knowing that she had to get to safety,she quickly hid behind a tree.

Listening closely,her ears caught the sound of him trudging through the thick mounds of leaves and tree roots.

"Liza"He yelled out causing her breathing to hitch"You might as well come out now,If I find you I swear I'll kill you."

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