Chapter Seventeen

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Was suppose to be a longer chapter but I'm being extra lazy right now....Sorry for the errors!! Enjoy!!

Ben cursed slightly as he stumbled backwards as he felt his mouth click violently as Ethan's fist connected with his jaw yet again allowing him to fall into Natasha's arms.He stood in Natasha's grasp for a moment before regaining his composure and allowing himself to become a shield from the eldest sibling.

"You bastard." Ethan seethed quietly as several nurses and doctors continued to watch the three adults.

Ben glanced back in Natasha direction before turning his gaze back to Ethan. "What happened to Eliza?."

"She just had to get so fucking attached to you!" 

"You're avoiding my question Ethan and I really don't see what the big deal is about her getting attached to me."

"You're messing up everything we had planned you asshole." Ethan shouted."We couldn't get her out of this damn city fast enough and then you had to knock her up and now I'm on  the verge of losing the only sibling I have left."

Both Benjamin and Natasha's eyes widen slightly.

"Wait a minute.Eliza's pregnant?"

"Don't act like you're so surprised."

"I promise you,I had absolutely no clue that she was pregnant.She never told me."

"It doesn't matter,The damage has already been done besides I told them to do whatever they could to save my sister " Ethan muttered

Ben's hazel eyes dimmed slightly as his hands curled into a fist. "So you just said to hell with my child?"

"Damn right I did."

The two men continue to glare at each other until a feminine voice spoke up gaining their attention.

"I'm looking for Elizabeth's next of kin."

Ethan turned around to see a brunette haired woman who stood several inches below his large frame.

"I'm her older brother Ethan."

"We'll Mr.Carter.I' Dr. Dewinter,I'm the one overseeing your sister.We were finally able to stabilize your sister-"

"Why do I feel a but coming on"

"But we found a very large of dosage of Zoloft in Miss Carter's blood.Can you tell me if she has had a history of abusing any kind of medication?

Ethan shook his head "I know she was on it around the time of my younger brother's passing but from what I know she hasn't been using it.

Dr.Dwinter nodded as she scribbled something onto the clipboard.

"How is the baby doing?" Ben asked as he walked over to where they were and stood along side Ethan.

"And who are you."

Benjamin held out his hand "Benjamin Walker,the father of her child."

"I can't say for sure at the moment but we have our OB/GYN checking on them as we speak."

Ben sighed deeply"Thank you."He spoke before throwing one glance in Ethan's direction before walking back over to Natasha,who had move over to a nearby row of seats. staring at her phone

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