Chapter Six

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*Tuesday Morning*

Family day was always something that Eliza knew that she was going to regret ever since bringing Alyssa into this world.It wasn't the fact that this event would cause Eliza to meet her teachers or her daughter's friends in a not hostile environment,or the fact that it was a chance for Alyssa to show her mother just exactly was going on,other that what she would be told,it was the fact that she had to attend these school events being a single parent.

Even though other single parents attended these event,they always had an advantage over her.Their children's father. Even if they weren't together,they'd surely acted as if they were.That old and cowardly part of Eliza wanted to snatch Alyssa up and just disappear into thin air,as she did all those years ago,but she knew that she couldn't be on the run anymore.Not now.She knew that just doing that alone with no help would be a challenge as it was back then only she wouldn't have the support of her brother,who was and still is her rock.

"Mommy,Ben is here" Alyssa exclaimed as she bounced up and down,tugging slightly on Eliza's blouse.

Pulling herself out of her thoughts,Eliza looked up through her brown sunglasses and sighed inwardly as Ben quickly pulled into an available parking spot in the sleek sliver Audi.Once he killed the engine,Ben stepped out of the car dressed in an orange polo shirt and denim jeans with black tennis shoes. As Alyssa waved Ben over,Eliza's gaze quickly locked onto his shirt,which seemed to cling to every single muscle underneath there. Snapping out of her thoughts,Eliza glanced out the corner of her eye to a couple of parents who were lingering in the parking lot.While the men looked on in somewhat disgust,the women eyed Ben as if he was just a piece of meat,Just ready for the taking.

Eliza couldn't help the small rush of heat that burned her cheeks as she turned her attention down to Alyssa.

There was no way in holy hell could she be jealous....Right...

Eliza shook her head

'I'm not,I'm not even dating the man'

"Mr.Ben" Alyssa smiled as she ran from her mother's side and clamped herself into his pants leg. "You're finally here"

"I'm sorry about being late kiddo"Ben smiled

"It's okay"Alyssa spoke before inhaling deeply with Eliza already knowing what was coming next.


Alyssa looked up to her mom and smiled "You better go before you're late"

Alyssa nodded before she unclamped herself from Ben's pants leg and took off running,giggling madly "See you in a little bit mommy"

Eliza waited until she completely disappeared before turning to Ben who was smiling down at her.

"What is it.Is it my hair" Eliza asked as she tried to fix it only to have Ben stop her.

"It's fine,I'm just admiring the view"

Redness crept back onto Eliza's face as Ben laughed slightly.

"Speaking of a view,Nice wheels.Did you buy that today or is it just one of the many collection of cars."

Ben laughed slightly as he shook his head "No it's not mines,I'm testing driving it"

"Ah,It seems that's not the only thing that wants to be test driven around here."Eliza laughed as she threw a head towards a group of women.

Ben quickly followed in the way she gestured and flashed a quick smile,causing one of the women in the group to fan herself vigorously.

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