Chapter Nineteen

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So sorry for the long delay,Pregnancy and newfound motherhood can throw your whole world off.Thank you guys so much for still continuing to vote and comment for this story even though I haven't updated in a good while.I'm not sure whether I plan on revising this story(Just fixing grammatical and punctuation errors)once it's finished but I plan on updating and trying to finish this story while trying to get new stories going.Oh,I made a slight change at the end of Chapter 18.Thank you guys once again.

Eliza stared blankly into the small light being shined in her eyes,before the doctor quickly clicked the light off before stuffing it back into his lab jacket and stepping back.

"Vitals look good and are returning to normal." The doctor spoke as he grabbed Eliza's medical chart and scribbled something on it.

"How's-Eliza cleared her throat- my baby doing."

"Baby's heartbeat is strong but we'll continue to monitor you guys for the next couple of days."

Eliza nodded solemnly as the doctor and attending nurse smiled at her before leaving the room.Turning her head towards the window,Eliza stared blankly out the window as she tried to piece together her muddled mind.Her stomach was in knots but she couldn't even begin to figure out what it was. A small knock on her room door pulled her out the slight daze.Turning back onto her back,Her green eyes landed on that of her brother and parents.She could easily tell that something was wrong by each one of their facial expression.

"What is it"

Ethan stepped forward and wrapped Eliza in a nice embrace "It's nothing,We just though we were going to lose you."He halfway lied

She gave a small smile"You can't get rid of me that easily."

"I wouldn't do that no matter what"He smiled"You're all I have left"

Eliza's lips began to quiver causing her to bite down on her bottom lip as she bit back a sob.

"Everything is going to be ok El,You don't need to cry."Her mother spoke up

Even with the reassurance from her brother and parents,Eliza knew what she needed to do.She needed to disappear forever.As much as she hated the thought of leaving her family and friends,She needed to shelter Alyssa as much as she could from the wrath of her bastard of a father.When time presented itself where Alyssa would ask about her father again,She would simply tell the child that her father had died and since Jacob never signed the birth certificate or even showed up,Alyssa would never know.

"Where's my phone." She asked as Ethan pulled back from the embrace,causing a puzzled look to appear on his face.

"Whatever it is,It can wait." Mr.Carter spoke up.

"I know but I only want it for a couple of minutes and I'll rest"She spoke "I promise"

Ethan and their parents looked at each other before Ethan sighed deeply before retrieving her phone out of his pocket and handing it over to her.

"Could I have a moment alone."

Ethan and their parents looked at each other before nodding not before Mrs.Carter came over and placed a kiss upon her daughter's forehead before they all left the room. Once the door to her room was closed,Eliza inhaled deeply as she unlocked her phone and dialed the familiar number. She listened to it ring a couple of times before the person on the other side of the line answer.

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