Chapter Twenty

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This is it.The final chapter of Tender Affair,I just want to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for clicking on this story and staying with it even if the updates were more spaced out than what I wanted it to be. Thank you so much for all of the comments,votes and adding this story to your Reading list. It means the world to me and though this story is coming to an end,I have a new story that I'm in the process of writing and it's called Reign. I would very much like it if you guys check it out.So without further ado,Here is Chapter twenty of Tender Affair.

Taking the steps two at a time,Benjamin could feel a sense of nervousness wash over him as he neared Renèe's apartment.He knew that he couldn't let Eliza leave not now and especially not ever,He cared absolutely too much for her just to let her walk away. Arriving infront of the door,Benjamin took a moment to catch his breath even though he didn't have a clue what he would say to her to even make her stay no matter what he knew that he had to try. Opening the door to Renèe's apartment and stepping inside,He could hear shuffling coming from the back of the apartment.

"What took you so l-Eliza stopped mid-sentence as she walked into the living room and saw him standing just a few feet away.

"What are you doing here "She asked as she allowed her body to lean against the wall,staring at him wide eyed.

"I came to stop you and tell you not to run." He spoke calmly as he took a step forward only for her to step backwards.

"This is the only option that I have left Ben." She spoke turning her head in shame.

"Eliza listen to me,You and I both know that you have more than just that option."

"What option would that be Ben?" She asked

"I don't know Eliza but-

"Exactly Ben"She interjected "It's either run or kill that monster" She seethed"And I won't risk my freedom or seeing my children while trying to kill him."

"Running won't solve anything Eliza."

"I wouldn't have to run if you wouldn't of showed up in our lives."She cried out causing a sadden look to cross Benjamin's face "You're the reason I lost my daughter and I just can't let him do that."

"I fully understand that Eliza but what about me and my child that you're carrying."

Her protest quickly died in her throat causing her to take a moment before speaking "I'm sorry but there is nothing else I can do,I'm backed into a corner here."

"Let me and your family get you out of that corner love." He pleaded

She shook her head "No"


"Because I refuse to let that monster take another family member that I love away from me." She cried just as tears began to flow down her face. Be cautiously took a step towards her only for her to step back again.

"Who did he take away from you?!"

"My youngest brother and my other baby."

Silence soon filled the room before a sigh passed through his lips before speaking up "I didn't know Eliza"

"Because I didn't want you to know but I do want to
know why you lied to me Ben,I've told you almost all of my dark secrets and yet you kept hiding yours from me."

"I did not do it on purpose Eliza,I just thought th-"

"That's what wrong with everyone,They believe that they know what's best for me."

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