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School seemed different today. And Mom a bit more paranoid than usual. More news reporters, this wasn't normal. At least, not how I knew Woodsboro.

Woodsboro was a tourist attraction, and that could get annoying at times. "What's going on? I ask Liv, who was the first person I saw.

"You don't know? Haven't you noticed Tara isn't replying to your messages? She asked. "Well, yeah, but I figured she had been busy, I say.

"No, she got attacked, and is in the hospital. She'll be okay, they think."

"Really? I say. She nodded."And worst of all, it was by Ghostface." "Liv... I say, not wanting to believe her at all. "No, I'm serious, Liv said."I mean, in Woodsboro, who else could it be?"

"I guess you're right, I say, walking to my first class. "See you, when? I say. "Meet outside during lunch! She said. I nodded,

I couldn't really focus all day. Not with the thought of Tara being Ghostface's so-called "opening kill", which failed. That never happened before. All opening kills before her had actually died.

Still, I was relieved. Tara was my best friend, as was everyone else in the group. The weather was warm, as it always was in California.

Stepping outside, I hear the announcement of school being cancelled tomorrow. "Y/N! Amber said, Mindy and Chad there, alongside Liv.

"Hi! I say, sitting down."So, what happened?" "Sam coming into town is what happened, Amber said grumpily.

"What? I say."You don't like Sam?" "She left Tara for five years! And also is trouble, I'm sure Wes' mom knows too well, Amber said, Wes scoffing."Well, she is her sister. And I was the one who informed her of Tara."

"Nice move, I say, jokingly. He smiles, though, it was a serious thing that Tara was attacked. After all, it was a surprise. There hadn't been any real crime since 2011, when Jill Roberts and Charlie Walker killed people as Ghostface.

"Whatever, you're a bit dramatic, Chad said, Liv in his lap. They were a couple, but it still was a bit odd. "Listen, school's cancelled and that means it's serious, Wes said."We should all be safe."

"Well, what if one of us is the killer? Mindy asks. "Don't be ridiculous, Amber said."Why would any of us be the killer? I'm her best friend."

Wes got a little weird every time Tara had been mentioned. Mostly because he was head over heels for her. It wasn't subtle. Everyone would at least make one joke about it.

I did feel a little jealous, I've always liked him, but nonetheless, Tara was my best friend and it was wrong so I just pushed it aside.

"I'm sure the police have it under control, I assured everyone. "Yeah, that worked out the last times massacres were here, Mindy said sarcastically."And May I recall, they haven't even called it ghostface in the media. Just someone who attacked Tara."

"Doesn't mean that they won't ever, I point out. "True, Chad said. "Y/N is always logical, Amber points out."Look, Someone is after Tara, I-"

"Sorry, I have to take this."

"And I think we should take precautions, Wes said. I get up to answer the phone call. "Hello? I say.

"Hey Y/N."

"Oh, Hey, I say."What's up, Will?" Will was the guy I've had been chatting and making out with, nothing special. Well, both of you us more but weren't too sure if it was the best idea.

"Do you want to hang out today? And you know..."

You laugh."I guess. My Mom probably doesn't want me to though."

"How come?"

"Look, uh, I should go."

I hang up."Sorry about that..." "no, you're cool, Wes said. Amber sighed."Tara woke up so we're going to visit her. You coming?"

"Of course! I mean, Tara's my best friend, I replied. "I can't go, but, I'll meet you guys later! Liv said. I nodded, grabbing my things and leaving with everyone.

I was relieved Tara was okay and as well as she could be in this situation. We got to the hospital, Tara smiling."You guys made it."

"You didn't think we'd show up? I asked. She didn't say anything. But we laughed a little. I sat close to Amber, who gives me a look. Sure, we got along and, well we're
close as we can get, but she was protective of Tara, almost possessive.

It scared me a little bit.

I nervously fidget with my fingers, because I didn't know how else to comprehend this whole thing. I've never experienced it before.

Sam comes in the hospital. Tara smiles."You came." "Of course I did, Sam said, going close to her. "I, um, will give them some space, I announce.

"Me too, Wes said. Then everyone else following after me. Amber reluctantly came out. "What's the plan? I ask. "Meeting up with Liv, Chad said.

"Aww, your girlfriend, Mindy teased. "Shut up, Mindy, Chad replied. I laugh a little. But nonetheless, this whole thing wasn't really funny at all.

We decided on going to a bar ironically enough, and I watched as they played pool. "Sam's cool, and all, Chad said. Amber frowned."No, trust me, Sam is not cool."

I scoff. Amber eyes me before adding on,"Her dad left her mom. Walks right out when Tara's eight, Sam's 13." "I think you're misjudging her, I say, in defense of Sam.

"Well, yeah, she could've changed but I don't want to see Tara hurt again, Amber said. "You don't think anybody is good enough, I point out.

"So, you're now protecting her from family? Wes said, annoyance in his tone. It was an fact by now that he was like, totally in love with her. And while I shouldn't let my jealousy out, I wanted to.

I clenched my jaw, holding back any sort of snarky remarks. Mindy smirks."What makes you so mad?" "Nothing, I lied."You know, I uh-"

"Shit, Liv interrupted, much to my relief."It's Vince." "Vince? As in the creep you hooked up with? Chad said. Liv nodded.

Vince approaches us with hopes of sleeping with Liv, god, he made me so mad. "Hey Baby, want a real drink? He asks her.

I scrunch my nose up in disgust, Chad protectively going in front of him."Stay away from her." "I don't remember talking to you, He snapped back. And we all ended up getting kicked out.

"Thanks, Chad, I say sarcastically, saluting me in response. At least, we were away from that creep.

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