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Ghostface held my Mom in one hand and a knife in the other. Mom was barely alive. "No! Don't hurt her! I pleaded.

"You've got a choice. Make it quick."

"What do you mean? I ask, sobbing. Mom groaned, she was barely hanging on, her stomach stabbed a few times. No, more than that. And yet she was still standing.

"Play the game and your mother lives, don't play the game, she dies, on the spot."

"Fuck, fine! I sobbed hysterically, 911 dialed."Just let me go to the restroom first." I run straight to the bathroom. "What's your emergency?"

"Please help! Someone's here to kill me and my mom! Come quick, please!"

"Stay calm, Ma'am. and don't hang up. We'll get there as soon as possible."

"Thank you, I sigh of relief. I hope Police come fast enough. But maybe not. After all, Sheriff Hicks was
just murdered.

"Time isn't endless, Y/N."

I place my phone on the sink, leaving the bathroom. I couldn't let him know I was on to him, or that the police were coming. It'd ruin everything.

I don't know what he has planned but I certainly don't want to know. "Honey, don't... mom whimpers. "Shut up bitch, Ghostface hissed, knife on her throat."I already stabbed you and I know you don't want to die."

"Take me instead! Kill me instead of my mother! Please! I begged. I should've gone to the party the others were going to. I should be there now.

I knew Ghostface was at least smiling, then dropped my mother, knife in hand. Almost as if he was going to consider it.

"You never really had a choice, and it's sad."

Going back to my mother, he hovers over her, and then added,"Don't move. Just watch, if you do, I'll kill you just like your mother."

And so I didn't move as he stabbed my mother a few more times as she screamed, begging for mercy. Crying out for me.

I could only cry, her eyes going lifeless and no longer moving. That's when I got the fuck out of there, going back for my phone. Not even caring if Ghostface was behind me.

I headed over to the party, I had ran a few miles because I had nothing else to do. But by then I was exhausted.

"Y/N, You came, Amber smiled. "Of course, I fake smile. This was supposed to be a memorial apparently but seemed more like a house party.

"You came! Chad said. "Duh, I laugh."Is there any alcohol?" "Kitchen probably, Chad said. The amount of people here made me feel a bit nauseous because I just didn't feel too good.

My Mom just died and the first thing I do is go here? How fucked up am I? Well, I didn't really know where else to go.

"You don't seem well, Mindy said. "That's because I'm not, I replied, making myself a drink, to cope with everything going on.

I took a big sip of it, then scrunch my nose up in disgust, I forgot how bitter alcohol tasted. I saw Will nearby. Deciding to talk to him, I go over there.

"Hey, I say. Will gives me a weird look."Stay away from me. I know you killed Emma." "I wasn't even there when she died, Will. you truly believe it was me?"

"Yeah, you're capable of it, Will scoffed. "Fuck you then, I scoff."Watch your dumbass get killed , I don't care."

Will rolled his eyes, drinking his beer. What an asshole. Really believing I had the time and energy to kill his girlfriend.

I go to a different room. Liv seemed pissed. "What happened? I ask. "Ask fucking Chad, Can't even have sex, She muttered.

Oh, wow. Chad messed things up, as usual. "Hey, where did he go? I ask. "I'm not sure! She yelled back."And now I don't even care anymore!"

There was so much drama already. And it doesn't help that Amber lives here. I get myself a second drink, not even caring anymore about Will or really my sobriety.

I got a call from the department and answer."Police Department?" "We found your mother after you called 911, where are you? They asked.

"I uh, I say."A friend's. Will she make it or is she..."

"I'm afraid your mother has passed, Miss Y/N. You probably should remain at your friend's house in case the killer comes after you again."

"Thank you."

I hang up, and keep on drinking. I don't care what they have to say. I'm just, tired of everything. Mom just died then Wes, and now probably Chad.

Someone taps me on the shoulder, and I see Will. "Do you know where the beer is? Will asks. I scoff."Asshole, Find it on your own."

"Bitch, He murmurs, and I rush back over, slapping him right across the face as the crowd watches."Go to hell, Will. And by the way, your one way ticket is in the basement."

He rolls his eyes. And his dumbass goes to the basement. For beer obviously. I see Sam, Richie and Tara arrive. I don't really trust Amber at all. Watch her be the killer.

And apparently, the party had ended. Everyone left quick, calling Richie some dad, I laugh at that. "What's going on? I ask, a bit tipsy, stumbling a little. "Whoa, Sam said."You okay?"

"No, I said."But why are you here Richie? The killer is obviously there." "I don't think it is, Sam stepped in defensively. He raises his hand in surrender."I promise! I'm not the Killer!"

"Okay, I sigh."Wait, is Mindy still in the living room?" "I think, why? Amber asks. "Mindy! I say, rushing over there.

"Mindy! I say. "Y/N, She groans."That's a lot of blood."
"Stay with me! Mindy! Don't die! I say. "Holy fuck! Richie said."someone's dead in the basement!"

Will is dead. Not a surprise. I warned him.

"Yeah, I figured, I panted. Amber was freaking out."Stay the fuck back! Jesus Christ! I was with Tara, but the rest of you were wandering around."

"Quite bold of you, Amber, I say. "'Maybe you killed your boyfriend! She defended."One of you is the fucking killer!"

Liv frowned."Fuck you, Amber. Fuck you!" "Why is there blood on your hands? Sam asks. Liv looks down, she did have blood on her hands."What? I found Chad. I found Chad and he's...."

"Chad? You're fucking lying, Amber scoffed. Liv sobbed."No." "You're the killer, Amber accused. They went back and forth until Liv said,"Fuck you, Amber. I'm not the fucking killer!"

Her expression changed, grabbing out a gun and smugly saying,"I know." She shoots Liv in the head, blood spattering as she falls."Welcome to Act Three."

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