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My breath hitched. None of us say a word. But we can hear his footsteps and he's coming closer as he goes through each of the aisles.

The two dead bodies make me feel sick. I hate seeing that. They didn't deserve a horrific death. We make a noise, he thinks we're in a different aisle.

Tara gives me a look, and holds my hand. I wonder if she feels the same as I do. Tara grabs the other side and they strain to tip it over! It tumbles into Ghostface, pushing him off his feet. He pulls the trigger as he falls.

"Go! Tara said. And the three of us bolt out of the door as fast as we can. What we didn't know, was that he had left behind a Ghostface mask.

We didn't know then. And we hear police sirens. Much to my relief. We'd be okay.

- -

Detective Bailey places a ghostface mask in front of us. "We found this next to the body at the apartment crime scene, He explains. Bailey holds up an evidence bag with the ghostface mask we saw next to Sam's license.

He continues," DNA says it belonged to someone named Richie Kirsch. Ring a bell?" We take a look at it. I'm silent.

"We're familiar with him., Sam said. I nod. "The one who attacked us had a different kind of mask. Older, beat-up, Tara said.

I take a good look at the mask, and it wasn't beat up. Tara was right. Why was he leaving a random mask? And how the fuck did he get Richie's?

It was very confusing.

"I have to ask - do you have alibis for earlier tonight?? Detective Bailey asks. It's standard procedure. We all knew this.

"I was at a party with friends., Tara said. "Me too, our friend group all went and they can vouch for us, I tell him.

Sam then said,"I was at my therapist's, I can write his information down. Then I met Tara at the party. Where I tased someone. Unrelated.."  Detective Bailey took out his phone and said,"Is that before or after this happened?"

He showed the video of Sam, being held back after water was thrown on her and a girl yelled, "Murderer!" They both yelled at each other. For the past few months, the media hasn't been painting Sam as she was, a hero. But rather the villain and killer in the situation. 

Well, it all began with stupid rumors by someone. 

"There's context to that, which is that the woman was harassing Sam, I defend her, she mouths a thanks. Tara said, "The point is, we were with people all night." "So our roommate's father just happened to pull our case, huh? Sam asks him.

Bailey replied, "Oh, no - that would have been a crazy coincidence, huh? The detective that did offered it to me because it involves Quinn. But I can totally give it back if you're not comfortable. Up to you!"

"It's fine."

Bailey holds up Sam's bloody license. I give a confused look. How on earth did the killer even get that to begin with? "Look, if the man who attacked you did steal your license and plant it at the crime scene, it's probably someone you're close to. How long have you known your friends? Bailey asks.

"We moved here six months ago with Chad and Mindy for summer semester. We've known Anika, Ethan and Quinn since then, Tara explained. I remember it like it was yesterday. "Exactly like that, I replied.

"I think I can vouch for my daughter, so that's one less person to worry about."

I sigh. That wasn't always the case. There might be a chance Quinn was responsible. Everyone was. It was always someone close to us. Bailey was right about that at least. "Can you think of anyone who would want to target either of you? He asks, continuing on.

"No one who's still alive, I say, leaning back in the chair I was currently in. "He said he was going to punish me for what I did. He's one of those conspiracy nutjobs, Sam said. That'd make sense. There were many of those, and Stab fanatics who were as insane as Amber, Wes, and Richie. 


I keep his name in my mind. I miss him, sometimes. but he also betrayed all of us. But he was dead now, thankfully. A cop comes in," FBI's here, claiming jurisdiction." Bailey nodded, and gets up. 

"Where are they?"

A woman spins in a chair. "Special Agent Kirby Reed, FBI. I work out of the Atlanta office." "Are you... lost? Detective Bailey asks. She hands him a file." Your two vics were residents of my city before they moved here for college. I've been investigating their online activity for the past few months."

He takes a good look at it, excellent information. "Why? Bailey said. "I take a special interest in Ghostface attacks, Kirby winks. At that moment, we leave the room. Sam recognizes her immediately. "Kirby?"

"Hi, Sam. Tara, Y/N." 

"You know each other? Bailey asks. "I was a freshman at Woodsboro High when she was a senior, Sam explained. "We share a certain history, yeah. I'm not looking to get into a jurisdictional pissing contest here, I just want to help.  I'll show you mine, et cetera, Kirby said.

Another cop comes over with an evidence bag with a second ghostface mask and a report. Bailey glances at it.

"He left this mask at the bodega. DNA traces of two individuals, Charlie Walker and Jill Roberts. Both deceased, Bailey explained. "The Ghostface Killers of 2011.Charlie Walker gave me this, Kirby said, then lifted her shirt, showing the scar he had given her.

She supposedly died, but was revived in time. She'd be able to help us, and believe our situation. Clearly, Bailey was at the very least, irritated. Maybe he even believed Sam was a nutjob like her father and responsible.

"Like I said, I take a special interest. Is this the mask he was wearing when he attacked you? Kirby asked us. We shake our heads. "So he's leaving them on purpose, Bailey concluded. "Which means whoever's doing this is a student of the killers who came before. Maybe he believes Sam is the latest in a long line? Kirby suggested.

"Yeah, good luck to both of you, but we're getting out of the city, Sam said, which meant the three of us. Sam was sort of like an older sister to me. I lost my mother, I lost everyone

But Bailey then said, "Actually, that's not possible. You're persons of interest in a double homicide, so... you're not allowed to leave town. Sorry."

"Are you kidding me?"

I couldn't believe this, we were suspects? Utter bullshit. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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