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Chad and Tara come in, I hover over the couch, while the news plays. Jason and Greg were murdered, along with our film studies Professor. Oh wow.

"Tara, We have to leave, Sam said. "No wait! What if it's not about us? Just a coincidence. You'd let me ditch my education for that? Tara asks.

"She's got a point, Sam, I say. "Besides, Murders happen all the time. And they don't involve us. This time it just coincidentally took place here." I decided i wouldn't tell them about the phone call. I knew how everyone would react, knowing Ghostface might still be lurking around.

And besides, Sam would just get more freaked out and I don't want that for either Tara or herself. Sam deserves a break after all. We all do.

"What? Ethan said obliviously. "Look, I say, wanting to laugh at his obliviousness but didn't. "We shouldn't just assume." I knew what Mindy was going to do. She was already planning something, and I kind of suspected what it would be.

"Can you back me up? Sam said. Chad replied, "I mean, it's a little..." "Close to home, Mindy finished. "See? Sam said. Tara groaned. "Quinn's Dad's a cop - can we callhim and find out what's going onbefore you make the unilateraldecision to abandon my collegeeducation and flee the state?"

"Calling him right now."

I sigh. This was just completely insane. "Watch it be a coincidence, Sam. I'm telling you." Sam frowned."I need to call Sidney-" As she pulls out her phone, Sam's phone rings. The room freezes. It's Gale, i think.

"Why did everyone just freak out when her phone rang? Ethan asked, god he was oblivious. "You gotta keep up, my dude, Anika replied. Quinn looks up at Sam. "My Dad wants to talk to you." While she's talking, I stay where I am.

"You okay? Ethan asks me. I look at him. He's cute. But we met only a couple months ago, when we came here. Still, he was a good friend. I nod."Maybe it's just one fucked up coincidence." I wanted it to be.

I really did.

The call ends, and Sam said,"I have to go to the station." She leaves, but Tara follows. I held my breath. "I'm following, I announce, but Chad stops me."You know they'll be fine." "No, I need to be there, I mean, I don't want to lose them, I mumble.

Chad was thinking logically here. Perhaps I shouldn't. But I did, anyway. Sam sighed."You two should go back upstairs andlock the door-" 

"Oh now we shouldn't stick together?"

"Sam, I agree, we should, I'm going with you, I tell her. Sam sighed."Alright then. Just... be on the look out." I frown. I hoped this would be a coincidence and it was just another psycho. I prayed, and I don't believe in God, that it wasn't Ghostface.

Sam's phone rings, and the ID Photo is Richie, who, by the way, died last year. Tara and I look at each other in disbelief.

"What the fuck? Tara said. "I never deleted his contact info.This is coming from his number... Sam explained. I tell her, "Don't. You're giving him what he wants." "We don't know, Sam said, and answers,

I hold my breath. Am i terrified? Yes.

"Who is this?"

"Hello, Samantha. Did you miss me?"

Tara and I both freeze, I place my hand in hers, and she squeezes it. Just platonic. Sam replied,"I want you to think long and hardabout whether you really want to dothis. Because the last two peoplewho fucked with us ended up dead."

"You should be thanking me, Sam.Jason and Greg were going to killyou and your sister; I gutted thembefore they had the chance."

"So, what, you're protecting us?"

"Not quite. I'm going to show the world who you really are. A liar.And a killer. I'm going to punish  you, Sam."

"Don't believe everything you readon the Internet, asshole."

"Don't be cute. You're going to payfor what you did. I'm going tobutcher you and everyone you love."

"You're just another psycho like allthe others-"

"Oh, there's never been one like me,Sam. I'm something... different.You and Tara better watch yourbacks."

"You better watch yours-"

Ghostface appears, and looks surprised that I was there, odd enough. Still, he heads straight forward for Sam and Tara. I have to help. I'm shoved aside and Sam exclaims, "Tara!" "Help! Somebody help us! Tara exclaimed.

Unfortunately, there wasn't much around us. And then we spot a convience store. We could go there and hide. When Ghostface is out of our grasp, we head straight inside. There's a line. 

"Whoa, there's a fuckin' line! The man scowls. "Please, someone just attacked us,call the police! I beg. The door swings open and the bell makes a noise. "It's him! Tara yelled. Ghostface briefly tilts his head, looking at me.

I gulp.

A male steps in front of Ghostface then says," We got a problem here, guy?" Ghostface stabs him in the chest. Wipes the blood off hisknife and keeps coming. Fearless and unstoppable.He wasn't lying. There's never been one like him before.

I stand there. The guy drops dead onto the floor, terrifying  the others, naturally. "Down! The clerk says, and the three of us run. "There's a door in the back! He added. "Thank you, Tara said. We try to open the door.

Fuck, it's locked. 

"Fuck! Sir, we need the keys! Tara said. He comes over to give us the keys, but Ghostface headbutts him, grabbing the gun, and when he's on the floor, pleads for his life. Ghostface loads it.

"No no no NO--!"

The clerk is shot dead, and Ghostface turns. Shit, Shit Shit. Chad was right. But i also was able to help, so it was my own consequences.  Ghostface racks the shotgun. Begins stalking the aisles. We hide behind one. 

We have to keep quiet. For our own lives and the others. He begins shooting. I flinch, but it's not loud. He continues. We briefly move. I want to run. But I'm not leaving them.

I'd die for my friends. Even if they don't want to die for me. I think they do, but still. I'd do anything for them. 

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