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This will be a short epilogue, I'm sorry! But I don't want to make it too long lol.

As the ambulance came, I saw that Chad was alive. "Chad? I say out of surprise he waves weakly. Hannah's car pulls up, I hug her and she hugs me.

"Honey, you're bleeding, She says, as they pull me into the ambulance. Mindy apparently survived, which made me feel so much more relieved.

"I'll be fine, I say, just come with me." "Always, Hannah smiled, entering the ambulance with me. Hannah was Mom's only sister and the best Aunt I could ever ask for.

The ambulance ride was slightly awkward, I guess you could say. "I was thinking, Y/N, you could live with me in New York, I was in the middle of moving to an apartment there, She said."And you could do School there."

I smile, I'd hate to leave my friends behind. Unless they came with."I'd love to, Hannah. My house just reminds me of bad memories."

She kissed my forehead."I'm so sorry, you lost your mom." "Hannah, you lost a sister, we both lost someone, I say, bursting into tears, as we hugged, kind of. What a roller coaster this has been.

2 months later

I finished packing all that I needed, and was quite looking forward to this. "Are you ready? Hannah asks. "Always, I say, quoting her words. She grinned.

I message my friends, who also were going to move with us. "A new chapter, Y/N, away from all of Woodsboro, Aunt Hannah smiled. "A new chapter. I like that."

My phone rings. And I assume it's one of the friends in the group. "Hello? I say, Hannah smiling.

"What's your favorite scary movie, Y/N?"

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