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I felt really awkward standing here at the party in perhaps the dumbest costume ever. I sipped my drink, and it was bitter. I've had alcohol before but the taste always took me by surprise for some reason.

And it still felt weird considering what happened last year. When someone creeps up from behind me, I jumped."Jesus Christ, Ethan!"

He laughed, wearing his knight costume still, the box and all. "That wasn't funny! I whine. "You have to admit it was kind of funny, He smiles.

I sigh."A little. And it was more entertaining than this party so...." Chad was wearing a cowboy costume, without a shirt. I'd admit he was cute but I had my eyes on someone else.

"What drink? He asks. "Cola and... I say, sniffing it."Whiskey I think." "Oh wow, He chuckled."worst combination ever, Y/N."

"I know I didn't think it through but it's alcohol, I say, chugging it a little. "Whoa calm down, He said. "Says the guy who was taking shots with Chad not so long ago, I laugh.

"Fair point."

Ethan was very sweet, and I was glad to be friends with him. We met him along with Anika, Mindy's girlfriend and Quinn, Sam and Tara's roomie.

I've liked Tara for maybe a month or so now. She was just a very nice and caring person. Plus was very beautiful. I don't know.

I never questioned my sexuality up until then. But I was sure I wasn't straight. I don't know exactly what I am though. Labels aren't important anyway. "Have your eyes on someone? Ethan asked curiously, making me come back to reality.

"No, I lie, laughing nervously. "Oh come on, there has to be someone! Ethan smiled, as he chugged his drink. "Whoa, slow down buddy! I giggle.

"Hey, you can't talk! Ethan said. Anika approaching us with a suggestive smile. "What now, Anika? I groan. "I think you'd be a good couple, She whispers.

"You ditched Mindy just to say that? I whisper. "No, Anika said. "Tara as well." I turn around. Tara's with an a guy who, seems like he's taking advantage of the fact she's obviously drunk.

"Do you want to head out? Anika asks Tara. "No, I'm fine, I'm just... staying a little longer you guys can go, Tara smiled. I could not let this fucking weirdo take advantage of her.

"No way, I pipe in, standing in front of the guy, who scoffed."who the fuck are you?" "Her best friend, I snap back. "(Y/N), it's fine, Tara assured me."But thanks for looking out for me."

The guy drags her along, and Anika and I just sigh, but i know who could beat his ass for me. Ethan got lost in the crowd. Of course he did.

"Hey Chad, I say."Little Emergency." Chad looks over and nodded. "Hey buddy, Tara's staying down here, Chad said.

The guy laughed, Tara slurred,"Chad, I want this. Don't worry okay?" "See,, she wants this, The guy said. That made me pissed off.

"Being drunk isn't consent, asshole, I say, and my anger got the best of me, I got the first punch, swinging across his face, and Chad did the rest. I wasn't in the mood to get my ass beat.

And then the best part happened, Sam intervened and tazored the mothefucker. As he deserved. "What the fuck Sam? Tara said."How did you even know I came to the party?"

"I got my ways but look he was a creep trying to take advantage of you! Sam argued as everyone began leaving the party. They were just arguing while I walked by Ethan.

"Wow, you can throw a punch, Ethan chuckled. I playfully hit his shoulder."Not now. My knuckles hurt." "Seriously though, you're pretty protective of her, Ethan joked.

"Yeah, I'm just looking out for her, I say.

Deja vu much?

Well, I wasn't a crazed killer like Amber was. And actually cared about Tara. We didn't end our evening there. We ended up back at Sam and Tara's, though, now a video of Sam fighting a bitch was viral.

"Maybe someone should talk to her, Chad said. "I can, I say."Unless you want to confess to the love of your life."

"Nah, I will after you."

"Got it."

"Hey, I say, Tara's on her bed. "Hey, She said awkwardly, as I sat beside her. "It was a good thing to not let me go up there with him, Tara said.

"Well, what are friends for? I laugh. "Yeah, She laughed."I guess I'm trying to say that, I appreciate you  looking out for me. Especially when I was being so dumb."

"You weren't being dumb Tara, I say."Just taken advantage of by a creep. You're the smartest girl I know." Tara blushed which made me smile."Seriously?"

"Of course! You got it from your sister! I joke. Making Tara laugh. But the tension between us was there. And it wasn't undeniable.

There was a moment of silence for a few minutes. Then I decided to make my move. After all, this wasn't a normal night was it?

I leaned in, and she leaned in too. I wasn't expecting that at all. But I didn't mind. Just as we were about to kiss Quinn comes in.

"Oh my god, sorry! She said."It's just that, wait, did I... cockblock you?" "Cockblock? I say."I don't even have a dick."

"Well, you know... Quinn said. "Oh my god! Tara laughed."You're so gross, Quinn!" We both laugh as I leave her room to give her some space.

"You're giggly, Chad points out. "You still want to talk to her? I say. "Now that you mentioned it, Chad said, standing up and going to Tara.

We almost kissed.

That was a feeling that wasn't new but to a girl it was. I wasn't certain on a lot of things but my sexuality was definitely the bigger thing I was conflicted on.

Was I totally into only girls or into both?

I think both, but a label wasn't really important and I didn't want to place one on me.  My mind went back to the phone call i received when i first moved here, never having another visit since. Mindy yells, "Chad, Tara come in here!" 

what did she see on the TV?

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