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I headed back home because I grew tired and was in the mood for some food. And, kind of stressed. For me, food and stress mix very well together.

Well, I was planning on going back home. Sheriff Hicks wanted us to get questioned first. And it was in fact, boring. I had a solid alibi that night.

And in the midst of it all, I had five missed calls from Will. Perfect. Now he hates me. I was confused about my feelings, really. I liked Will, but I liked Wes at the same time. I wasn't sure what to do, honestly.

"Who is spamming you? Wes asks, jokingly. "Nobody, I lied."I'm going back home." "How come? Mindy asks. I shrug."Home sweet home."

I got back home finally. Mom busy working but making sure I was safe. Amber let me know that Sam got hurt, or at least attacked by Ghostface. I was even more freaked out.

An hour or so had passed. So I was relaxing on my couch, just chilling and eating. But not watching a movie. That was a death wish.

When my phone rang, I just assumed it was Will. I had been calling him that much. Or, he had been calling me often.

"Hello? Will? I say.


Shit. I was Ghostface's next fucking victim. I guess I really am that dumb bitch in the Stab movies. Always by herself, answers the unknown caller.

"What the fuck do you want? I snapped.

"Ouch. No need for vulgarity."

"Cut the bullshit, You're going to kill me aren't you? I say."I'd rather die now than later."

"Who said anything about killing you?"

Confused, I say,"That's how Ghostface... works." The deep chuckle in response sent chills down my spine, almost as if they were taunting me.

"Well, I'm different from the rest."

I sigh."That's what they all say." I try to look around for a weapon in my surroundings. Then, I see the kitchen knives. Perfect.

As stupid as it sounds, maybe it would work. I'm desperate. I grab one and then head back in the living room. Mom's making a mistake by leaving me home alone.

"I see your little boyfriend right now. Looks pretty comfortable with the girl he's kissing."

"What? I say, not fully believing him at all. It sounded, not like Will at all. Sure, we weren't serious, but I thought we were exclusive. Then again, I can't be talking. I guess it wasn't and shouldn't be a big deal.

We weren't official. And here I was still having feelings for a guy who doesn't even like me back.

"I don't believe you, I snicker. Then someone sent me a message. Ghostface, a photo of Will and a redhead making out.

so he wasn't lying.

Still, he planned on killing him. "Please, don't kill him, I begged, not scared yet but worried. There's a difference.

"And why shouldn't I? Doesn't it bother you he's with another girl?"

"I, yes, but still! I say."Is this why you called? To mock me? To make a fool out of myself?"

"No, as I said, I want to talk. But I will kill if I have to. And you're close to causing a murder that shouldn't happen, yet."

I sighed."Fine. I'll talk to you. But not for long." Sam wanted us to meet up, and I was going. This better not take forever.

"What's your favorite scary movie?"

"Not this shit, it means I'm going to die. Fucking Liar, I say.

"Just an easy way to start a conversation."

I roll my eyes."Fine. I guess My Bloody Valentine." "

"Classic. And now onto the good part. I am giving you a warning. A message if you will."

"A message? I say, a bit more confused."To my friends? And myself, I-"

"A warning. Like I said, I'm different from the rest. If you don't do as I say, your boyfriend gets it, got it?"

"I got it, I say, softly.

"Good girl."

That sent shivers down my spine. In other circumstances I would've had butterflies. The conversation ends and I quickly go to meet up with everyone.

Even if he asked me not to, I would've told them the whole thing anyway. We decided on going to Mindy and Chad's place.

Their Mom, Martha, was so nice. I feel bad for her, she lost her brother and now this. We all arrived at time, though, I was a bit suspicious of Amber. I had a feeling she was a killer. But, maybe I was misjudging her, I didn't know her nearly as well.

It didn't mean anything really. But, knowing the others longer they didn't seem as suspicious. "How do you know so much about Stab? Sam asks.

"Runs in her family."

"Randy was our uncle, Mindy said, walking past the memorial in the living room."RIP."

"You said to bring everybody."

Martha, their Mom, comes in."Woo, suspects! My brother would be so proud." I was surprised Sam convinced Dewey to come, Richie too, I suppose.

See, he was also a little suspicious. Never trust the love interest. "Hey, Martha, Dewey said shyly. I feel so bad for Dewey. Losing his sister and friend, and then the divorce. It was kind of public.

"Dewey! Hi! Martha said, eagerly."You look..."


Chad pipes in,"Okay, Mom, we're good. Thank you." Martha smiled."All right, kids, have fun." Sam stood tall."I asked Mindy to call everybody here, because...there's something I have to tell you."

She basically then told us her father had been Billy Loomis. It was a bit of a shock, but Chad was still processing it.

"So let me get this straight.You're saying that you're the daughter of Billy Loomis, and, what, that one of us is the killer? Chad said.

Sam sighed."The killer told me he knew my secret. He attacked Tara to lure me back here." Wes decided to cut in,"But then why immediately go and murder some douche-nozzle that was stalking Liv? And why does it have to be one of us? What about Deputy Dewey here? Maybe he's the killer. No offense."

"None taken, but what's my motive? Dewey asks. Wes replied,"You got stabbed a billion times,got dumped by your famous wife and crawled into a bottle.I think it's safe to say you're on the suspect list."

"Well, maybe you're the killer. Because that cut deep, Dewey said. "That douche-nozzle is connected. I googled him. His mom is Leslie Macher, Amber said, looking up from her phone.

Holy Shit.

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