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I always knew Amber was the fucking killer.

Richie said to run, and that's what we did. "I told you it was Amber! I mutter."And Richie, stay the fuck back."

He looks offended but at this point I don't really care. When Ghostface unexpectedly comes out. "Run, I say, Richie and Sam go downstairs. So, is it even Richie? Amber couldn't be this Ghostface


I mean it was possible for Amber to be that Ghostface however, you were sure it wasn't Amber. "Not you again ! I mentally scold myself for being so dumb.

Ghostface lunges in my direction, I dodge him and he hits the floor, I hear a grunt and run. I'm not sure where I'm going but it's not there.

It now makes sense why Amber lives here.

I rush over the attic, knowing that if I were to escape, I'd go through the window. Why did Amber's parents decide to get this house? Shouldn't they have known?

"Fuck, I say, turning around, another Ghostface who held a knife, so this one had to be different. My eyes widen, and as Amber comes closer, I decide I need to get out, stat.

I open the window just as she stabs me right in the abdomen. I groan in pain, but can't let her give in. "Not today, bitch! I scream, jumping out the window and getting up.

I hold my bleeding wound with my hand as I go inside, quickly a knife is pressed against my throat. It was goddamn Richie.

"You're the second killer? I sigh. Richie smugly replies,"Hell yeah. And this is just the climax of the movie."

I snicker."That's your motive? A movie? Copying off the original huh?" He shoved me into the kitchen. Amber comes into view, her knife bloody indicating that indeed, she stabbed me.

Sidney and Gale were nearby. "I'm sorry, She said to my wound. Sam frowning. Tara nowhere in sight. I mentally scold myself for even coming to this party. "You killed my mother, didn't you? I say."Both of you."

Amber and Richie laughed. As if my mother's death was only a kill in their fucked up movie. And it was clear they were also together.

"We didn't kill her, Richie said."You know what I like the most about the Stab movies?" "What's that? I say, shakily.

"There's always a plot twist."

Most of the plot twist, but they suck in the Stab movies. "What's he talking about? Sam asks. "I don't know, I reply, honestly.

And to our surprise and horror, a third killer comes into view. "Third one? That's new, Gale commented. "Yeah, Sidney said.

"And you said it wasn't new material, Amber laughed at Sidney. "No, it's still cliché and unoriginal, Sidney added.

Amber scoffed, knife pressed on my cheek mockingly. The cold metal close to cutting into my face but she only had it on my face.

"What a shame, isn't it? She asks."I couldn't just kill you on the spot. No, I gave you something worse. A bit more sinister if you will. A slow and painful death."

"And, betrayal, She added. Richie has a creepy grin on his face and so did his younger girlfriend. their dynamic was definitely, something,

"Come on out, third killer, Richie said proudly. "Mindy? I say."Chad? Not Liv, she died right in front of us and-"

"Surprise, Y/N."

It was, Wes? But he died. And from the looks of it, Sam and Gale were surprised. "We were at your crime scene! Sam points out.

His stupid grin is all over his face."My fake death. Only way to not be suspected was, fake my death. But don't get me wrong, my mother's was real."

"You killed your own mother? I ask, my mouth open. He laughed, inches away from me."I'm not stupid, sweetheart. It couldn't work like that. See, Richie called and Amber killed, then I had to pretend I died to look innocent."

"It worked, I murmur. Amber laughed."A good twist to our film am I right, Babe?" Richie smiled. "It would've been, if you went according to plan, Wes scoffed.

"If you mean Y/N, that bitch shouldn't have been so fucking... irritating."

"Nice to know your true feelings about me, Amber. Or your feelings for Tara."

"What's she talking about? Richie asks. Drama. I mouth for Gale and Sidney to move. "Nothing! She's fucking lying to distract us! Amber said.

Richie jealously replies,"Do you like Tara or not? That wasn't the whole... fuck, they're gone!" Amber rolled her eyes."Dipshit! I literally said that!"

"Well if you just straight up said-"

The phone rings. Sam untied Tara who hid the door and Tara called them. Gale and Sidney must be waiting around the corner.

What did they mean by not going by the plan?

"Hello Richie."

"I'm going to fucking kill you!"

"You and your little trio will have to find us first!"

She hangs up, as Tara creeps up behind Amber, smacking her with her crutches. Still having a wound that was bleeding I was limping. So being chased by Wes, who had a higher advantage, was hard.

"You can't walk forever! He said creepily. "I know that, asshole! I replied, going up the stairs weakly, he was still in costume without the mask, and so close to me that I had to lightly sprint even with my aching wound.

"Fuck, not this again, I murmur, being smart and not going in the attic, but rather, Stu Macher's room. Stupidly I was cornered.

"So much for smart moves, I mutter out of annoyance and inconvenience. "Just give up already, N/N, Wes said, creeping closer.

"Don't call me that! I scoff. "I know you so well, He said."And I know deep down you're happy I killed that dipshit and his slut of a girlfriend. He didn't deserve you."

"Didn't know you killed him as well, I say. "In the basement, convenient that Sam and Richie "found" his body, He chuckled.

I look around. How could I even get through this. "Why did you murder my mother? I said."And don't lie or sugarcoat it with your delusion. I want the full truth."

"Your Mother's a smart woman, Y/N, Wes said. "Well no shit Sherlock, I figured that, I snapped. "She had already suspected me, I'm sure she was ever so paranoid and didn't trust me as much as she used to, Wes said.

"I did notice that."

"She was on to me, and when I came, she defended you. So that I wouldn't get to you. So truly, it's your fault she died that day, Y/N."

My fault.

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