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I remembered a few times this past few days Mom encouraged that I distance myself from Wes. Amber too, she was obviously onto her.

"Y/N, I don't want you hanging around your friends, Mom said. "What? They're the nicest people ever, I chuckle, grabbing a snack from the pantry.

"No, I mean, Amber and Wes, Mom said. I grew up with Wes and she was particularly close with his mother. "Mom, You've known him forever, I laugh."He's not suspicious or dangerous."

Mom frowned."Just keep your guard up okay?" I nodded."I will, Mom."

"I feel so dumb, I should've listened, I say to myself. And I truly do blame myself. Amber scoffed."Can I kill her already?"

"I thought we agreed we weren't doing that, there needs to be a final girl doesn't there? Wes laughed. Richie said,"We did establish this, Amber. Just, remember we can get that Bitch Sam and her sister."

I was still covered in Liv's blood, it spattered everywhere. I feel bad for the Freeman's, unaware their daughter was a complete lunatic.

She smiled. A smile that was, making me feel scared. Her knife twirling in her hand. "I'd admit, I've always had a thing for you, Amber said.

"Bitch, you stabbed me! I say. I run downstairs and back in the kitchen, where Amber is now cornered. Sidney and Gale surround her. "No, please! I.... Just wanted to be apart of something! She said.

"You killed my best friend! Gale said. Amber smugly says,"Yeah, and he died like a pussy." That angered Gale and me too. Dewey was anything but a pussy. He was very brave and despite the fact I didn't get to know him very long, he was nice.

It's almost a blur to me, everything. "What is the point of all of this? I ask. "Movie, It's a whole movie, Richie said crazily, pointing the knife at me."Sam's the villain... you're the hero."

"Go to hell, Richie, I spat. Amber smirked evilly, looking down at my wound. I groan in pain a little. It doesn't hurt as much because I was running and fueled by adrenaline.

Sidney shoots Amber from behind, taking by surprise. "Fuck! Richie said, going up to Amber but was pulled back. Wes looks over to me."you don't want to play that game."

"Try me, I say, threateningly. He lunges at me, but I dodge and run. I shouldn't leave them behind but they encourage me to go. One more wound and I might just die. Deciding to hide, I distract him then hide. But his footsteps.

"You really think you can hide from me, Y/N? Your best friend?"

Correction: Ex Best friend.

I place my hand over my mouth, to keep me quiet and from groaning in pain. I was stupid to thigk he wouldn't know I would be in here. Of course the whole scene happened in Stu Macher's fucking house.

"If you come out I'll go easy, Wes said softly. Bullshit. Just a manipulative tactic that he uses so well. Considering he manipulated us all.

my heavy breathing gives me away and finds me. "Nice try hiding, He smirks, holding onto my wrist, dragging me back downstairs.

"Everyone needs to be down here! Wes said."Especially you." I wanted to cry, so badly. But I couldn't. Richie looked cocky as he stabbed Sam, who screamed.

Tara was by Amber as expected. My blood dropped onto the floor. A trail of it from the stairs to here. Gross.

"Oh come on, Amber said, teasingly."Don't tell me that you're scared now?" "Fuck you, Amber, I always knew it was you, I remarked.

Her knife now under my chin momentarily, and the look Wes gave was terrifying, almost a possessive expression.

"Stay back, Amber, He spoke up. "How cute, you're protective, Amber said."I mean, she's always loved you. Too bad you revealed yourself."

Sam used this opportunity to get Richie's knife, covered in her own blood. Amber turns to the kitchen, Sidney and Gale standing there, and she decides at that moment to do the stupidest thing.

Lunging to them. 

I look around for a weapon myself, a knife nearby. I think there was kitchen knives so I follow Amber, creeping in and grabbing a knife. Just in time to see Amber, lit on fire.

"Holy shit, I mutter in shock, but kind of relieved. That would kill her wouldn't it? "What do you think you're doing, Final Girl? He asks.

You step back, holding the knife."I can kill you, Wes. Right now." "You don't have the guts to do that, He replied, a cocky grin on his face.

"Do it, Y/N, Sidney encouraged. I look over. Sure, he had once been my best friend. But he wasn't anymore. This wasn't the Wes I knew. Or, that Wes wasn't who he truly was. If he didn't feel remorse or sadness about his mother's death that's something.

"Try me, I say to him, stabbing him in the chest, he groans, but laughs."That wasn't a true stab." "I'm not finished yet, I pant."Sam? Tara?"

"We're here! They say. I nodded. I stab him a few more times, and as he laid there, I knew he was dead. But there was still Richie and Amber. Well, Richie.

He comes in the room."You may have killed these two, but there's still me." "Richie, you've forgotten something, Sam said, coming closer. "What's that? He ask.

"Don't fuck with a serial killer's daughter."

She stabbed him with his knife, but on his throat, stabbing him a few times and then slit his throat, killing him. Now she was drenched in blood.

I sigh of relief, stepping over the bodies."Well, I think that's done." Amber comes in crazily holding the knife and burnt.

Luckily Gale shot her and she died right there. Got a taste of revenge from Liv there. I wanted to curl up in a ball and die.

Sam shot Richie a few times, I go over and tap him with my foot. Making sure he was dead. "Is he dead? Sidney asks."They always come back mostly."

I didn't see signs of breathing. "He's dead, I replied. Maybe I was stupid or not, but I was relieved that his was all over so I didn't waste much time calling my Aunt, 911 had been called.

"What happened Y/N? She asks."I heard my sister died, and I hope you're okay." "Aunt Hannah, I think you might need to come over here, I say."It's an emergency."

"I'm coming."

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