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Mindy went on a whole rant, and Sam left, I would too if she accused me of being the killer. I didn't think it was her. Why would she do all of this? She really had no motive.

Mom wanted me to come home but Will wanted to meet up so I told Mom I would later. And she trusted me so she was fine with it. She thought Will was just a friend.

And he was, just with benefits-ish. I wouldn't bring up the whole kissing another girl thing. That might make him mad and think I'm creepy.

"Hey, I say. "Hey, He replies. "What's up? I ask awkwardly. "Just felt like seeing you, He smiles."And wanted to talk to you."

"Okay, I say. He sighs. This couldn't be any good. Maybe, I should've let him kill Will. What am I thinking though? That's insane. He doesn't deserve murder.

"I think we should end this whole thing, He chuckled. What thing? We never had a thing, I thought. His voice seemed nervous.

"What? Why? I ask, wanting to say something but decided not to. "I like another girl, I'm sure you know her, Emma? He said. "Oh, I know her, I say."She's in a few of my classes."

"Yeah, I really like her, and this... is done. We can be friends though."

"I'm cool with that, I say."Just being friends."

I'm not fine with this. Emma is a whore and why do you get her? You barely know her.

I'd never admit my true feelings. But at the same time it was worthless because we weren't official. Just friends who liked making out and shit.

"I'm glad you understand, Y/N, He said, then looks over."What's that?" "What's what? I say, looking over in his direction.

When his eyes widen, I see what he sees. "Fuck, isn't that the killer? Will asks. Ghostface just stood there, behind a tree. As if not being anymore obvious.

I scoot closer, and so does he. "Let's not run, I say. "Are you insane? Will whispers. "If we run he'll just kill us, I point out logically."Unless he moves then we should run. But he's just, watching."

That was strange. Really strange.

"Maybe you should get back to Emma, I say bitterly. Then, Ghostface holds up a bloody knife, smearing the blood off.

"Oh my god he killed again! I say."But who?" I got my answer when Will gets a message, showing me the photo of Emma's dead body. I realized I got a message too,

I did you a favor. Where's my thank you?

"Okay, we should run, I say, and he agrees. We go in different directions though. And when I see police near Wes' place, I immediately go there.

"Miss, You can't be here, An officer said, as a body is rolled out, blood spattered on the sidewalk. "Who... died? I ask.

"I'm sorry miss, both the Sheriff and her son were murdered, The officer informs me. Sam comes over. "What happened? She asks, seeing my eyes fill with tears, pulling her aside."He's dead, Wes. But, I only saw one body. Maybe they already took his out but still."

My phone rings. "Hello? I say. "Did you like my little show? Ghostface asks. "No, I didn't, you killed my friend motherfucker! I say.

Sam immediately gets that it's the killer. "Why are you so upset? I killed that whore, Ghostface said. "Emma didn't deserve that, I spat."And neither did Sheriff Hicks or Wes."

"I wouldn't believe everything the Police tells you."

Then he hangs up. Which leaves me confused. There was obvious proof that.. he died. "What's wrong? Sam asks.

"Nothing, Ghostface being an asshole that's all, I lied. Gale Weathers and Dewey were nearby. I couldn't really decide on what I was feeling. A lot of things.

Sure, I despised Emma even before finding out she and Will were together, and it made me upset. But her being murdered... was just sad and wrong.

Though, a part of me very deep down, was a bit relieved she was dead. A bit happy she was gone. That she got what she deserved.

But truthfully, I hid that away because they were wrong. I can't feel that way. Even if, she was the one he liked at the end of the day.

"Actually, Miss, Mind if we speak to you? An officer asks me. I nodded, walking over. "There has been another murder, a girl named Emma Wilkinson, Does that sound familiar? The officer asks.

"Oh, yeah, I knew her, I say."She was in a couple of my classes. And we talked, briefly." That wasn't a total lie. But I knew her above from being a classmate.

He eyes me suspiciously."I'm sure you don't mind if we bring you in for questioning." What? I shook my head."I don't mind."

He nods, relieved I was cooperating. But that was the smartest decision to do. Sam frowns, but there isn't much she can do. So I give her an assuring smile.

It'll be okay.

- -

I got back home. Mom would have killed me if she figured I was at the police station. I plop down on my bed.

"Honey? Mom said. "Hey Mom, I say. She hugs me."Are you okay? I heard what happened." "Yeah, I guess, I say."I'll be fine Mom. I promise. And besides, shouldn't you be working?"

"There's a killer on the loose, Y/N, Mom reminds me, hugging me. It was always just Mom. I didn't know My father at all. And I didn't want to know. He was probably out there living his best life not knowing he had a child. Maybe he had a whole other family.

"Mom, I... think we should be careful, I say. Mom nodded."I already know. Sheriff Hicks was really nice. And her son, I know you two were close."

I frown."Close." Mom leaves my room and gives me some space. I shouldn't be at home. I should be supporting Tara and Sam, Dewey. But, I couldn't. It was probably better this way.

I cover myself with my blankets for a bit too long. And just heard silence. Then a scream. I rush out of my room. "Mom? I say, maybe I was going crazy. My Mom screamed, I could've sworn.

I dial 911 on my phone, I know something happened to Mom, and when my foot steps in something that's when I know I'm right.

Blood. The kitchen floor is covered in blood.

And when I look up, I see Ghostface.

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