Chapter Five, Injuries

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“Miss, Sir, We need you to step back from your daughter. I understand this is scary but we need to make sure there are no serious injuries."

“Her head is bleeding!!”

I heard Serena scream to the EMT. I nodded as in yes she’s right there.
They picked Maci up and put her on a stretcher.

“We’ve got this Miss.”

Then as if to say no you don’t. The machines started beeping.



didn’t realize at the time but I took off running after the stretcher yelling at them to stop.

Then when they wouldn’t let me in I started to attack the male EMT.

Then I felt strong hands pull me back and hold me in place while the EMT’s packed up my daughter.


Then I heard a familiar voice.

“Caleb what is going on? This is not like you. Let me go get your brother, he is in the cop car.”

It was David, my police officer brother Carlise’s partner.

“What in the world is going on here Caleb? Why on god’s name are you attacking EMT’s?”

And in that moment I did something I’d never done before.

I broke down crying and fell into my brother’s arms.

He was strong, not as strong as me but strong enough to keep us both standing.

I heard David’s voice again.

“Hey Carlisle, there’s a woman here she won’t talk, won't walk, and she had to carry her over here. She seems lost. You know her?”

Then my brother said.

“No, I don't know her. What in heaven's sake is going on here?”

I finally came too when I realized they were talking about Serena.

I stood up with help from my brother and opened my eyes.

Bright light blinded me.

“Serena?? Where is she??”

“What a minute...ain’t that the girl you were obsessed with?”

Then I watched realization spread across my brother’s face.

And for the first time he shed a tear.

“Oh good god! David helped me get these two in the ambulance now! We have to get to the hospital now!!”

Then in a blink of an eye we were being helped into the hospital and to the waiting area.

“Sit you two. David, go get us some coffee and while you're at it call Savannah, Maria, Chase, and Caden.”

“But sir Caden is already on his way back probably an hour from here by now.”

“I don’t care tell him to turn around and come here. And tell the others the same.”

Then it was just the three of us in the closed off room.

“I think I’ve put the parts together now but just give me some confirmation here. You're Serena, the girl my brother fell in love with right?”

She nodded.

“Ok I figured and that little girl I saw was being loaded into the ambulance.”

He paused for a moment, choked and then failed to hold back the few tears I saw rolling down his cheeks again.

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