Chapter Twenty, Baby Time

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I turned and walked into their room, and knocked on the bathroom door.

“Maria it’s me, Serena.”

The door opened and I saw Maria lying on the bathroom floor.

The toilet was covered in puke.

“Oh Maria, are you ok?”

She shook her head and then I went to help her up but she shook her head again.

“Serena I need you to do something for me, can you lift up my nightgown and look and see if you see blood?”

I didn’t ask questions now was not the time for those.

I did as she said and looked to see.

“Oh Maria...”

I sat there in shock at what I’d seen surely that’s not what I think it is?

“Oh god no no no no this was my only chance I just know I’ll never get pregnant again what did I do wrong?”

She was near sobs before I realized I hadn’t explained what I saw.

“Maria…this is gonna sound weird but do you have to use the bathroom?”

She paused for a moment then thought about it.

“Well yes actually I do badly actually. Why?”

Oh dear god!

“Maria you're not bleeding…but you're having a baby! LIKE NOW!”

She stared up at me in shock and joy then screamed.

Right people, baby time!

“Ok don’t move just lay there don’t push! I’m going to get Chase and everyone!”

I ran like at lightning speed into the dinning room almost falling when I made it luckily Carlisle caught me

“Woah there…what?”

“BABY TIME!!!!!!”

I shouted as loud as I could.

Everyone turned and looked at me.


I heard Carlisle shout, he looked near faint.


Chase should look like that, not Carlisle.

Then Caleb came running up to me.


Why was everyone shouting at me!

Why was no one running to Maria?

Then Chase came up to me.

“Serena, it's probably just Braxton hicks.”


This made everyone stare at me like I was crazy.

“Serena I need you to calm down, now how exactly did you see a body part? This is an odd question but you leaned your head all the way down there?”

Then it dawned on me I didn’t specifically say who was having the baby!

They thought it was me.


Chase took off to the bathroom and Carlisle calmed down and so did Caleb.

“Sorry to worry you guys, it's not me, this baby’s still cooking.”

Chase came out of the room with Maria leaning on his whole left side.


Caleb drove while I sat with Savannah, and Chase, in the backseat, and Caden sat in the very back with Carlisle and Maci, Maria sat in the passenger seat.

We got to the hospital and Chase and Maria were rushed off to the delivery room while everyone else sat in the waiting room.

After one hour Chase came into the waiting room with the biggest smile I’d ever seen him have.

“I have a baby boy!”

“How’s Maria and the baby?”

“Maria’s exhausted and the baby is a good 7 pounds and 6ozs.”

Me and Savannah went to see the baby and Maria first.

“Hey, oh my gosh he’s adorable!”

We all smiled and oohed and awed the baby.

“What’s his name?”

“Jason Vine Bailey.”

Jason was her fathers name and Vine was the name Chase and Maria had first decided when they got married and decided to try and have kids.

Once Maria and Jason were discharged we headed back home.

Maria, Jason, and Maci in the very backseat, me, Sav, and Caden in the middle seat, Chase driving and Caleb sitting in the passenger seat, and Carlisle was in the very back.

This time around it only took 11 hours to get back home.

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