Chapter Seven, New Faces

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I held Serena’s hand all the way to Maci’s room.

The whole time I was walking there I couldn’t stop thinking about what if she didn’t like me?

What if she was mad at me?

What if she got mad at Serena?
What if she didn’t want to see me ever again?

So many what ifs, too many.

“Where here. Enjoy your time with your daughter. Oh one more thing, only 3 people can go in the room at a time so other family members can go in, but only 3 people at a time.”

The nurse smiled then walked off on to the next people. Serena went to open the door, but I froze and stayed where I was.

“Caleb? Are you ok?”

I nodded then decided to just say what I was thinking.

“No not really, what if she hates me? Or she hates you for not letting her know about me? Or she never wants to speak to me again?”

Serena looked back at me into my eyes with her icey blue ones.

“Caleb you're overthinking it..she’ll love you. She won’t be mad, she’ll be happy she has a dad like all her friends at school. I promise. Now let’s go in.”

I nodded and followed her into Maci’s room.


As soon as we opened the door she sat up and threw her arms in the air clearly excited to see Serena.

“Hey baby girl!”

They hugged for a long time neither wanting to let go.

“Oh Caleb! You came to check up on me? I’m sorry about climbing the gate. The horses are just so pretty!”

“I sure did. It’s ok, but don’t do it ever again. I understand that, when I was little my mama had to climb into the horse pen and get me out because I climbed up the gate and was chasing the horses. I’ve always had a love for horses just like you.”

She smiled at this.

“Did your mama love horsey's too? My mama doesn't love them as much as me but she loves them too.”

“Oh yes, my mama used to work at the ranch I live on now. She loved horsies a lot. And my mama’s name was Maci too.”

“Really?! mama isn’t that cool!?”

“Yes baby it is.”

Serena nods at this and looks at me and smiles.

I can tell this is a smile that says tell her who you are, why her name is Maci.

But I’m scared to say anything yet.

“Maci, I'm gonna let you and Caleb talk here. I'll be right outside if you need me, ok?”

“Ok mama, I love you!”

“Love you too”

And with this it’s just me and is my time to tell her.

“Maci…. I have something to tell you.”

“What? Oh sorry...mama says it’s bad to interrupt, I’m sorry, continue.”

I laugh at this because she's so cute with her manners.

“Maci I’m not just your mama’s friend I’-”

“OH are you dating my mama?! PLEASE SAY YES! IF NOT YOU SHOULD! I really like you! Oh sorry, continue.”

“Well at one point and time me and your mama were together. You see spring break, 5 years ago me and your mama were at the same beach house for spring break and when I saw her well you could say I fell in love at first sight. We spent every day together going out, going to the beach, and just talking. Then, on the last night, we told each other we loved each other. The next morning though your mama had to leave and she said she may never come back and I was hurt, so was she, but she had to go back home. But then a few short months later she found out that she was pregnant with you. Maci, I'm your father.”

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