Chapter Eighteen, Vacation

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A month after the chaos with Caleb leaving and coming back we decided to take a family vacation.

"Honey, where are those flip flops we got for Maci?"

"I don't know, maybe they're still in the car? Oh and while you're looking see if that sunscreen is in there too."

I was in the bedroom trying to decide what outfit I wanted to wear for the car ride. I had a lot of options yesterday me, Maria, and Sav went shopping for new clothes to wear on the trip.

I needed new clothes anyways considering I was now four months pregnant and I was starting to show more and more.

I decided on a cute off the shoulder top that was blue with light denim jean shorts.

I looked in the mirror and smiled.

I liked when I wore things that showed off my baby bump.

I walked downstairs and was greeted by Maci with her bright smile.

"Morning Mama I dressed myself, do you like it?"

I laughed when I saw that she was wearing green shorts with an orange frilly top and blue sunglasses.

"Baby why don't you put on your denim shorts that will match better."

She smiled and skipped off to her room to change.

"Honey I found her flip flops but oh wait nevermind the sunscreen is in here too!"

Caleb walked in holding way more things than one should carry at once.

"Caleb what on earth are you doing?"

"Getting everything out of the car that we need Carlisle and Savannah should be here soon with the SUV."

I laughed and went to help him get things.

"Oh no you don't! I'm not having my four month pregnant fiance' carry things, go sit down or something."

I did as told and sat on the porch swing looking into the sky.

"We're here!"

I tried to get up from the swing but it kept rocking back and forth too much.

Savannah was barely showing and she was farther along than I was, and she was still quite fast. She was at my side before I could stop the swing.

"Hey Rena...are you stuck?"

"Hey Sav...maybe...?"

We both laughed at me and my incapableness.

"Hey Serena how...are you ok over there?"

Carlisle was coming over to the porch swing and I was still trying to get up. Savannah tried to help me but she couldn't get me up.

"Oh here I'll help."

Carlisle came over and held my arm while I stood then balanced me when I finally got up.

"Oh thank you my hero!"

We all burst into a laughing fit and when Caleb came around to the porch he stared at us like we were crazy.

"Your wife is incapable of getting out of a porch swing."

And then we were laughing again.

Maci came outside this time wearing her denim shorts instead.

"Better Mama? Hey Aunt Sav and Uncle Car."


"Hey sweetie!"

We watched as Maci ran up to Savannah and threw her arms up.

"Oh sweetie I wish I could pick you up but I can't right now. But Uncle Car can!"

She made a pouty face then ran to Carlisle.

He picked her up and put her on his shoulders.

"Are you ready to go to the beach?"

She smiled her big silly smile and Carlisle carried her around like she was flying in the air.

Next Caden pulled up.

I hadn't seen as much of him since Caleb came back.

He still came over almost every day but he didn't stay as long and he usually left before it was meal time.

"Uncle C, you're here!!"

Maci jumped down from Carlisle's shoulders and ran towards Ca.

"Well I guess I know who her favorite uncle is."

Me and Sav laughed at this.

"Hey kid!"

They went and played in the fields while we waited for Maria and Chase.

Finally they pulled up Maria was six months pregnant now and she was very big.

I watched as she hobbled out of the car and then wobbled over to the porch where we were all sitting.

"Hey Maria!"

Me and Sav went and hugged her. Our hugs looked quite hilarious now considering we all had baby bumps, Maria's being very big, mine being medium sized and then Sav barely having one.

It was an odd group hug but we made it work.

We hugged for a while and I heard the guys laughing at our silly little group hug.

"What in the world is going on here?"

Ca just come around the corner with Maci and they were laughing their heads off.

"Pregnant women group hug! It's a thing...I think?"

Now we were all laughing.

"Alright let's get this show on the road!"

The guys took turns driving Maria in the passenger seat so she could have enough room.

Me, Savannah, and Maci in the very back seats. Caden, Chase, and Caleb taking turns in the middle row seats and Carlisle driving the first half, then Caden driving the second half.

It took longer than we had expected with three pregnant women.

One of us was always having to pee or needed food or drink. And Maci's bladder wasn't good at holding so she had to go a lot too.

But after 13 hours we finally got there. We had gotten a beach house right on the beach in Gulf Shores.

"We're here!"

I heard someone yell I was too sleepy to know who.

Sav was knocked out beside me and Maci was snoring on the other side of me. Caden was awake but Chase and Caleb were asleep and Carlisle was waking up. Maria was awake and looked very out of it.

We got out of the car and looked at the beach house. It was big and pretty.

After going to sleep as soon as we got inside the beach house I woke up the next morning with Maci bouncing on the bed beside me.

"Mama wake up! Uncle C, and Uncle Chase made breakfast!"

"Ok ok, I'm coming let me get dressed then I'll come out, where's daddy?"

She was halfway out the door when she turned and smiled her silly smile.

"He's in the kitchen plating food."

I got out of bed and got dressed then went into the dining room.

Everyone was sitting down at the table except Maria.

"Where's Maria?"

Chase looked up at me.

"She's not feeling good, in fact she asked for you to come to the bathroom in our room when you woke up."

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