Chapter Twenty-Eight, Baby-Moon

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A little over a month later I decided to take a baby-moon.

I invited Maria and she was going to come with me.

Savannah obviously couldn’t come; she was still on bed rest after having her Uterus removed.

“Honey, where is that pink dress?”

Caleb walked into the room holding one shoe of Maci’s.

“Which pink dress?”

“You know the one with the flowers and twisty straps.”

“Oh that pink dress you already put it in your suitcase.”

I was eight months pregnant now and the pregnancy brain was hitting me hard.

“Oh ok thanks honey.”

He smiled then went off to help Maci get her shoes on.

“Mama, Mama!!"

Maci came flying into my room.

“What baby?”

She jumped up on the bed and inspected my suitcase.

“So how long are you gonna be gone?”

I smiled. She had been asking me the same question since I told her I was doing this.

“Two days. I’m not gonna be far, baby, just going to Galveston.”

She looked down with a sad face.

“But Mama, that's so far! Why can’t you stay here?”

I laughed.

“Not as far as Gulf Shores was, and because me and Auntie Maria wanted to go to the beach.”

She did her pouty face but nodded.


I heard the door open.

“I think Auntie Maria’s here! You wanna help Mama carry her things downstairs?”

She smiled and nodded.

After a little more help from me than she thought she would need we finally made it downstairs with both things of luggage.

“Hey there you are!”

Maria came up and hugged me then picked up Maci and hugged her.

“Why do you have to take my Mama with you Auntie M?”

We all laughed at this.

“Well technically your Mama is taking me away. But it’s just for two days sweet girl and we’ll be back before you know it. But guess what? Jason is gonna come over here later and hang out with you!”

At this Maci went from frowning and moppy to happy and joyful.


“Caleb, can you take my suitcases to her car please?”

Caleb nodded and started taking my things to her car.

“Alright baby girl, give me kisses and a hug!”

Maci came up and hugged me then kissed both my cheeks, then she kissed my belly.

“Love you little sister…I’ll miss you!”

Then she wrapped her arms around my belly and hugged.

“Alright, the car is all packed.”

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