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I just felt like updating... I can't stick to a schedule that takes 10 weeks to finish. That's just not me.

But now we add another person :)

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The next morning, Luffy woke up a bit later than usual. This was fine because he could just speed on the way to school, which he did.

The thing is, he was in such a rush, he wasn't paying close attention to his surroundings. He was rolling through stop signs on the university campus and at one of them he didn't look both ways before going.

He hit someone.

Not hard. But he did knock the man down.

He stopped his car and got out, then ran around to the front.

Laying on the ground was a red haired man with what looked to be red lipstick on his lips. He looked up at the person who put him in this position.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry. Are you okay?"Luffy asked in a panic.

"I'm fine. Just help me up," the man said as Luffy moved to help him up from the ground.

"I'm so sorry. Please don't sue me. My brothers would be so mad," Luffy pleaded.

"Fine. I won't sue. But you have to take me out," the man said.

"Um... what?" Luffy asked dumbfounded. What had this guy just said???

"Take me out on a date. You're cute. Plus you owe me for knocking me down with your car," the man said.

"I don't even know your name!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Kidd. Eustass Kidd. Nice to meet you....?" Kidd said as he subtly asked for Luffy's name in return.

"Luffy. Monkey D Luffy," Luffy responded as he stuck his hand out. Kidd took it and shook it.

"I have to get to class, but can I get you're number?" Kidd asked with a sly smile on his face.

"Shit! Class!! Oh. Ummmmm. Here" Luffy said as he pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and scribbled his phone number on it. "I gotta go. I'm so late. Text me later and we can meet up!"

And with that Luffy got back into his car and sped off to find a parking spot. He ran to class and only arrived 10 minutes late.

After sitting through the 3 hour long class, Luffy started to walk to the cafeteria. He felt someone tap his shoulder, and when he turned around he saw Kidd looking at him from about a foot above him.

"Oh... uh.... hi. I didn't expect to see you again until later today," Luffy said.

"Want to have lunch with me? We can talk about our plans for later," Kidd offers. He receives a small nod from Luffy and the two walk to get lunch.

As they ate, they got to know each other. They learned favorite colors, family situations, majors, etc. By the time it was time for their next class, neither wanted to separate.

"Text me! We need to make plans for tonight," Luffy said as he walked away from Kidd and towards the lecture hall.

"Will do!" Kidd replied, and both men split to go their separate ways.

Kidd texts Luffy as soon as he gets to class.

Kidd: Hey Luffy, what are the plans for tonight?

Luffy: Where do you want to eat?

Kidd: What about Burger King? It's simple and easy.

Luffy: Sure. That works. What time?

Kidd: Whenever works for you.

Luffy: How about 6?

Kidd: Sounds great! See you then :)

After classes were over, Luffy headed home to get ready for his date. He kind of felt bad for going on a date with Kidd when he was "dating" Law.

He shrugged off the feeling and got ready for the date. After about 30 minutes of fixing himself up, he determined he looked good enough. He hurried out the door and went to the Burger King.

When Luffy entered the restaurant, he immediately noticed the head of red hair sitting in the corner. He walked up to Kidd and took a seat.

"So, how much money am I gonna be out after this little date of ours?" Luffy asked with a smile.

"Mmmmmm, not too much. Wanna go order?" Kidd asked as he stood up and offered his hand to Luffy.

Luffy gave a small giggle as he grabbed kids hand, "Sure."

The 2 ordered and got their food. They stayed there for hours and hours just talking to each other. They enjoyed each others company.

After a while, they finally decided it was time to go. They left each other and went their separate ways.

As Luffy laid in bed that night, he could only think about how much he is going to enjoy fake dating law, and how much he enjoys having a new friend, Kidd.

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I wonder who Luffy will choose in the end. Keep reading to find out :)

(791 words)

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